SIM  新加坡管理學院Singapore Institute Of Management 詠瑞留學合作招生免代辦費 LINE: @pbs7464v; skype: benuredu ; wechat: benuredu

規劃, 申請, 就學, 就業, 定住, 詠瑞留學29年專業,經驗,人脈  台北 02 2361 0300   -  LINE: @pbs7464v; 微信: benuredu   張詠誠

新加坡管理學院 Singapore Institute Of Management

新加坡管理學院(SIM)是新加坡首屈一指的一所本地人力資源培訓、專業的商業管理、金融管理、全球國際教育學院。學院成立於19641128日。建校50餘年來,新加坡管理學院為新加坡的人力資源發展、專業人才培養做出了極大的貢獻。新加坡管理學院通過與美國、英國、澳洲等國的知名國際大學和學院合作,提供廣泛的高素質學術及學位課程。學院為超過14,000多名在籍學生提供了50多項課程,包括多種研究生、本科學位,大專和證書級別的學術課程。20051月,新加坡教育部批准新加坡管理學院成立新躍大學(SIM University)。20174月,新加坡教育部成立新加坡新躍社科大學。



英文名: Singapore Institute of Management

    稱:SIM Global Education 



    性:新加坡政府扶持的商業、金融綜合性院校     英國、美國、澳洲知名大學新加坡校區





1. University of Birmingham-Master of Science Financial Management 英國伯名罕大學財務管理碩士

2. University of London-Master of Science in Accounting and Financial Management 倫敦大學會計財務管理碩士

3. The University of Warwick-Master of Science in Engineering Business Management 華威大學工程商業管理碩士

4. University of London-Master of Science in Professional Accountancy 倫敦大學會計碩士

5. The University of Warwick-Master of Science in Programme and Project Management

6. The University of Warwick-Master of Science in Supply Chain and Logistics Management

7. University of Birmingham-Master of Science International Business

8. University of Birmingham-Master of Science Management


新加坡管理學院成立於19641128日,是一所以培養新加坡人力資源為使命的高等教育學院。新加坡管理學院(SIM) 是新加坡首屈一指大學, 新加坡政府建立的本地人力資源培訓、專業的商業管理、金融管理、全球國際教育學院。50餘年來,新加坡管理學院為新加坡的人力資源發展 有極大的貢獻。學院開設在職人員進修課程有豐富的經驗,因此在1992年,受新加坡教育部委託、批准,增設國際大學學位課程(OUDP)。2002年,當新加坡管理學院得到英國大學的認可後, 英國大學學位課程(OUDP)更名為新加坡管理學院國際大學中心SIM-OUC)。2009年,英國倫敦政治經濟學院、英國伯明罕大學、美國布法羅紐約州立大學、澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大學相繼在新加坡成立直屬校區。新加坡管理學院開始接受全世界各地優秀留學生前往新加坡留學深造,獲得美國、英國、澳洲等國知名大學的本科學位、碩士學位!優秀的本科畢業生畢業後從新加坡直接前往英國、美國、澳洲等世界百強大學繼續深造碩 博士學位!

學院的總部位於金文泰路461號。學院的兩所中心是位於南利道41號的新加坡管理學院管理大樓(SIM MH)和位於金文泰路535A的金文泰中心。三所中心總共占地面積接近52,000平方米。


新加坡管理學院管理大樓(SIM MH)占地面積為18,000平方米,主要是舉辦會員活動、研究生學位課程和經理人員研討會。大樓內有20個演講禮堂、會議室、2個電腦室、1個會員休閒廳、1個商務中心和一個圖書館。請點擊以參觀新加坡管理學院管理大樓。



SIM全球教育與澳大利亞瑞士美國和英國的頂尖大學學術合作,建立直屬校區。開辦獨具一格的課程,由來自本國和海外合作大學的講師共同授課。這些課程結合了東、西方教育的優勢:既有亞洲視角,也兼顧國際性的實踐方案,培養學生以全球化的開闊眼光審視業界課題。 新加坡管理學院合作大學:

澳大利亞皇家墨爾本理工大學(RMIT University, Australia) 校本部詠瑞留學也有合作免代辦費

皇家墨爾本理工大學(RMIT)是澳大利亞最早設立的高等學府之一,也是該國目前最大的雙教育大學(即兼顧職業教育與高等教育的大學)。這所全球性的理工大學坐落於墨爾本市區,它所開辦的課程與職業息息相關, 就業率高。目前有超過70,000名學生在其墨爾本總校以及維多利亞州和越南的分校求學。它也和新加坡、香港、中國與馬來西亞等地的合作夥伴學府聯合開辦課程,它是澳大利亞科技大學聯盟及GU8的成員。


英國伯明罕大學(The University of Birmingham, UK)

伯明罕大學是英國最古老的商學院,也是英國第一所市立大學。目前 是英國規模最大的學府之一,共有16,500名本科生和7,200名研究生。

在現今的商務環境,學生和學術人員都必須從國際視角來瞭解各種課題,而畢業生更應該學習適應各種不同的工作。協助培養兼具學術能力與實踐經驗的畢業生,使他們在職場上勝任愉快。伯明罕大學的課程皆獲得歐洲品質改善體系EQUIS)的認證,確定其卓越的學術水準 。


澳大利亞臥龍岡大學(University of Wollongong, Australia)




美國布法羅紐約州立大學(University at Buffalo, State University of New York (SUNY), US)

布法羅大學(UB)創立於1846年,是紐約州立大學64個校區中規模最大、最全面的一個大學中心。它受公認為美國頂尖研究型大學之一,校內設有有聞名全球的羅斯威爾公園癌症中心紐約州生物資訊學及生命科學卓越中心、以及榮登全國排名榜的商務、工程、地理資訊(GIS)以及 醫藥與藥劑科學課程。UB在校生超過28,000名,所開辦的本科學位課程超過300項。



英國倫敦大學(University of London, UK)


UOL國際課程創辦於1858年,提供多種專業學位課程。在新加坡建國初期,新加坡政府為了讓那些面對財務問題、工作與家庭影響或無法到大學深造的本國學生深造,特向英國政府邀請在新加坡建立校區,1986UOL在新加坡開設高等教育學位課程,2009年建立新加坡校區,開始招收國際學生在新加坡深造UOL學位課程。目前有大約120,0 0 0名學生就讀于UOL,另有來自180個國家的43,000名學生就讀于100項各類學位課程。

SIMUOL國際化附屬校區之一,所開辦的課程隸屬該大學的兩所著名學院,即金史密斯學院(Goldsmiths)與倫敦政治經濟學院(The London School of Economics and Political Science)。


o 英國金融國際服務協會金融服務學院 (ifs School of Finance, UK)

o 美國喬治華盛頓大學 (The George Washington University, US)

o 澳大利亞悉尼大學 (The University of Sydney, Australia)

o 英國華威大學 (The University of Warwick, UK)

o 英國斯特林大學 (TheUniversity of Stirling, UK)

o 英國南安普頓大學 (University of Southampton, UK)











商學士(經濟與金融) (3)

商學士(市場學) (3)










會計與金融理學士(榮譽學位) (3)

資訊系統與管理理學士 (3)

資訊系統與管理理學士(榮譽學位) (3)

商業學理學士(榮譽學位) (3)


管理學理學士(榮譽學位) (2)

經濟與管理理學士(榮譽學位) (2)

經濟與金融理學士(榮譽學位) (2)

經濟理學士(榮譽)學位 (2)

銀行與金融理學士(榮譽學位)(2 年)



電腦及資訊系統學士(理學士) (3)

創意電腦學士(理學士) (3)






注解:Honours Degree(亦可參見榮譽學士學位)簡而言之就是更專業(的)、更優異(的)的意思,被授予榮譽學位的學生通常擁有更加專業的知識以及更加優異的成績

目前國際學生可以就讀以下學士及碩士課程 :申請, 請洽詠瑞留學 免代辦費   通常1, 4, 7 10月可以入學, 以下費用皆為新幣

Bachelor of Arts (Communication)   學費: S$34,668 – S$69,336 (60 – 120 credits) 新幣     8 月, 1月二次入學 University at Buffalo, SUNY

Bachelor of Communication (Professional Communication)   S$44,940.00 payable for 288 credit points over 8 terms.    每年7月入學, 只一次 RMIT University

Bachelor of Arts (Communication and Economics), University at Buffalo, SUNY

Bachelor of Arts (Communication and International Trade),University at Buffalo, SUNY

Bachelor of Arts (Communication and Psychology), University at Buffalo, SUNY

Bachelor of Arts (Communication and Sociology)

Awarded by University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Bachelor of Design (Communication Design) (Top-up)  S$22,470.00 payable for 144 credit points over 4 terms.  一年學士課程 每年7月入學, 只一次

Awarded by RMIT University

Bachelor of Arts (Economics)

Awarded by University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Economics

Awarded by University of London

Graduate Diploma in Economics

Awarded by University of London

Bachelor of Arts (Economics and International Trade)

Awarded by University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Economics and Politics

Awarded by University of London

Bachelor of Arts (Economics and Psychology)

Awarded by University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Bachelor of Arts (Economics and Sociology)

Awarded by University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in International Relations

Awarded by University of London

Bachelor of Arts (International Trade)

Awarded by University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Bachelor of Arts (International Trade and Psychology)

Awarded by University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Bachelor of Arts (International Trade and Sociology)

Awarded by University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Bachelor of Arts (Psychology)

Awarded by University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Bachelor of Psychological Science

Awarded by University of Wollongong

Bachelor of Arts (Psychology and Sociology)

Awarded by University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Bachelor of Arts (Sociology)

Awarded by University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Bachelor of Science (Business Administration) and Bachelor of Arts (Communication)

Awarded by University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Bachelor of Science (Business Administration) and Bachelor of Arts (Economics)

Awarded by University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Bachelor of Science (Business Administration) and Bachelor of Arts (International Trade)

Awarded by University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Bachelor of Science (Business Administration) and Bachelor of Arts (Psychology)

Awarded by University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Bachelor of Science (Business Administration) and Bachelor of Arts (Sociology)

Awarded by University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Bachelor of Science (Geographic Information Science) and Bachelor of Arts (Economics)

Awarded by University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Bachelor of Science (Geographic Information Science) and Bachelor of Arts (Psychology)

Awarded by University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Bachelor of Science (Geographic Information Science) and Bachelor of Arts (Sociology)

Awarded by University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Bachelor of Business (Accountancy)

Awarded by RMIT University

Bachelor of Science (Honours) Accounting and Finance (Top-up)

Awarded by University of Birmingham

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Accounting and Finance

Awarded by University of London

Master of Science in Professional AccountancyS$15,750 (est)*  1.5年  6月-下一年12月  6月入學

Awarded by University of London

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Banking and Finance

Awarded by University of London

Bachelor of Science (Business Administration)

Awarded by University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Bachelor of Science (Honours) Business Management with Communications (Top-up)

Awarded by University of Birmingham

Bachelor of Science (Honours) Business Management with Communications and Year in Industry (Top-up)

Awarded by University of Birmingham

Bachelor of Business (Economics and Finance)

Awarded by RMIT University

Bachelor of Business (International Business)

Awarded by RMIT University

Bachelor of Science (Honours) International Business (Top-up)

Awarded by University of Birmingham

Master of Science International Business    Total: S$27,772.92    10月-9月 畢 一年碩士

Awarded by University of Birmingham

Bachelor of Business (Logistics & Supply Chain Management)

Awarded by RMIT University

Master of Science in Supply Chain & Logistics Management

Awarded by The University of Warwick

Bachelor of Business (Management)

Awarded by RMIT University

Bachelor of Science (Honours) Business Management (Top-up)

Awarded by University of Birmingham

Bachelor of Science (Honours) Business Management with Industrial Placement (Top-up)

Awarded by University of Birmingham

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Business and Management

Awarded by University of London

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Business and Management

Awarded by University of London

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Management and Digital Innovation

Awarded by University of London

Graduate Diploma in Data Science

Awarded by University of London

Bachelor of Business (Marketing)

Awarded by RMIT University

Master of Science (Economics)

Awarded by University of Birmingham

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Economics and Finance

Awarded by University of London

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Economics and Management

Awarded by University of London

Master of Science in Engineering Business Management

Awarded by The University of Warwick

Master of Science Management: Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Awarded by University of Birmingham

Master in International Business

Awarded by Grenoble Ecole de Management

Master of Science Management

Awarded by University of Birmingham

Master of Science Management: Organisational Leadership and Change

Awarded by University of Birmingham

Master of Science Management: Strategy

Awarded by University of Birmingham

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Retail Marketing

Awarded by University of Stirling

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Sport Business Management

Awarded by University of Stirling

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Sport Business Management

Awarded by University of Stirling

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Sports Studies and Marketing

Awarded by University of Stirling

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Sustainable Events Management

Awarded by University of Stirling

Bachelor of Business (Event Management) (Top-up)

Awarded by La Trobe University

Bachelor of Business (Tourism and Hospitality) (Top-up)

Awarded by La Trobe University

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Data Science and Business Analytics

Awarded by University of London

Graduate Diploma in Business Analytics

Awarded by University of London

Bachelor of Science (Business Administration and Geographic Information Science), University at Buffalo, SUNY

Bachelor of Computer Science (Big Data), University of Wollongong

Bachelor of Business Information Systems, University of Wollongong

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computing and Information Systems, University of London

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Creative Computing , University of London

Bachelor of Computer Science (Cyber Security)  3年學費 33,384.00 新幣  約75萬台幣/3年總學費 University of Wollongong

Master of Science in Cyber Security and Management,  University of Warwick

Bachelor of Computer Science (Digital Systems Security), University of Wollongong

Bachelor of Computer Science (Game and Mobile Development); University of Wollongong

Bachelor of Science (Geographic Information Science) University at Buffalo, SUNY  學費沒列出耆申請前請洽詠瑞留學

 詠瑞留學合作招生免代辦費 LINE: @pbs7464v; skype: benuredu ; wechat: benuredu

MDIS新加坡管理發展學院代理所有大學課程總表: 大專,高級大專, 學士, 碩士: 詠瑞留學代理, 免代辦費 詠瑞留學合作的加坡大學及中學總整理 加坡"O" 水準預科課程簡介及費用 (I, II 兩類課程 )
新加坡萊佛士大學:商學院, 設計學院, 行銷 學院 新加坡小學課程介紹及費用 新加坡 IGCSE課程 英國中學課程 13,14歲就讀,
新加坡管理學院 SIM 新加坡初中及高中課程介紹, 學費及申請須知 MDIS 新加坡管理發展學院  O Level (O 水準)  及  A Level  (A水準) 課程介紹
皇家墨爾本理工學院的新加坡分校RMIT 紐西蘭、澳洲、美國、新加坡住校中學比較, 萊仕國際學校新加坡校區 Nexus International School  IB 名校 K-12
倫敦大學 皇家霍洛威學院Royal Holloway, University of London (新加坡校區 新加坡讀大學, 學費,學期寒暑假等重要資訊參考 台灣小學畢業到新加坡讀書各種方案規劃
南洋藝術學院 Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA James Cook U Singapore  詹姆斯庫克大學新加坡校區(學士及碩士)  
做了29年了我們能給您最好的建議, 希望能有機會協助您出國留學, 如果您想在台灣修國外學位我們也能協助, 如果您想用關說進某些名校我們也能協助, 其他特殊入學申請或取得文憑方式也可協助您;我們給您不同的想法與建議, 方向重於努力,規劃可以改變未來,我們已幫無數學生達成夢想


申請: 詠瑞留學代理美國英國澳洲紐西蘭加拿大眾多大學小學,初中, 高中, 不用代辦費 ;; Line:@pbs7464v ; skype: benuredu 微信: benuredu    詠瑞留學合作的美國大學, 可以免代辦費,          詠瑞留學合作英國大學名單  (免代辦費)        詠瑞留學合作的加拿大大學免代辦費     詠瑞留學合作的澳洲大學免代辦費      詠瑞留學合作的紐西蘭小學, 中學, 大學及學院都不用代辦費     詠瑞留學合作的美國社區大學 參考名單

實習工作範例          加拿大打工, 加拿大打工遊學, 加拿大企業實習        美國醫科, 牙科,藥學, 物理治療, 眼科, 骨科, 脊骨神經醫學


陸續增加.....   詠瑞留學為托福及GRE官方考場

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