英國醫學院申請需知, 英國醫學院申請總整理 (資料提供: 詠瑞留學 02 2361 0300) 英國醫科A 水準班 協助台灣高中生到英國讀醫科
地點Location | 學校School | 學院/系Department | 學程Program | 申請截止日Deadline |
招收名額 Availability |
學費/國際學生請另洽學校Tuition |
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LINE: @pbs7464v Entry Exam |
英文要求(補習或一對一家教請洽詠瑞留學 02 2361 0300 Lang Requirement
SOP | |
Scotland | Aberdeen | School of Medicine and Dentistry | MBChB | 10/15 | Home: 162; Overseas: 33 | Y1-2: 13,200; Y3-5: 24,000 | UKCAT 1790 - 3310 | 7.0 with 7.0 in each component | Y | |
Birmingham | Birmingham | Medical School | MBChB | 10/15 | Home:332; Overseas: 40 | Y1-2:14,650; Y3-5: 26,590 | 無 | 7.0 with 7.0 in each component | Y | |
Brighton | Brighton & Sussex Medical School | Medicine |
Home: 134; Overseas: 10 | 23,678 | UKCAT | 7.5 with 7.0 in each component | Y | ||
Bristol | Bristol | Medical School | MBChB | 10/15 | Home: 216; Overseas 19 | Y1-2:15,500; Y3-5: 28,700 | 無 | 7.5 with 7.0 in each component | Y | |
Cambridge | Cambridge | Medicine | Medicine (A100) | 10/15 | Home: 276; Overseas: 22 | 5 Years: 28632 | BMAT | 7.0 with 7.0 in each component | Y | |
Cardiff | Cardiff | School of Medicine | MBBCH | 10/15 | Home: 280; Overseas: 24 | Y1-2:13,750; Y3-5: 24,500 | UKCAT | 7.0 with 7.0 in each component | Y | |
Scotland | Dundee | Medical School | MBChB | 10/15 | Home: 142; Overseas: 12 | Y1-2: 13,750; Y3-5: 25,500 | UKCAT 2600 | 7.0 with 7.0 in each component | Y | |
Norwich | East Anglia | Norwich Medical School | MBBS | 10/15 | Home: 130: Overseas: 13 | 23,250 | UKCAT | 7.5 with 7.0 in each component | Y | |
Edinburgh | Edinburgh | College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine | MBChB | 10/15 | Home: 202; Overseas: 16 | Y1-2: 19,600; Y3-5: 33,200 | UKCAT | 7.0 with 7.0 in each component | Y | |
Glasgow | Glasgow | School of Medicine | MBChB | 10/15 | Home: 223; Overseas: 18 | 27,000 | UKCAT 2400-2500 | 7.5 with 7.5 in each component | Y | |
York | Hull-York | Medical School | HYMS | 10/15 | Home: 130; Overseas: 10 | 23,268 | UKCAT 2000 | 7.5 with 7.0 in each component | Y | |
London | Imperial College | Faculty of Medicine | MBBS | 10/15 | Home: 265; Overseas: 21 | 6 Years: | BMAT. 4.9 in Sections 1&2; 2.5 and grade C in section 3 | 7.0 with 7.0 in each component | Y | |
Liverpool | Keele | Medical School | MBChB | 10/15 | Home: 120; Overseas: 10 | Y1-2:19,570; Y3-5: 22,900 | UKCAT 2150-3030 | 7.0 with 7.0 in each component | Y | |
London | King's College | School of Medicine | MBBS | 10/15 | Home: 301; Overseas: 34 | Y1-2:16,800; Y3-5: 31,150 | UKCAT | 7.0 with 6.5 in each component | Y | |
Leeds | Leeds | School of Medicine | MBHB | 10/15 | Home: 223; Overseas: 20 | 29,750 | UKCAT | 7.5 with 7.5 in each component | Y | |
Leicester | Leicester | Medical School | MBChB | 10/15 | Home: 115; Overseas: 20 | Y1-2: 13,750; Y3-5: 24,895 | UKCAT | 7.0 with 7.0 in each component | Y | |
Liverpool | Liverpool | Faculty of Medicine | MBChB | 10/15 | Home: 292; Overseas: 24 | 20,500 | 無 | 7.0 with 7.0 in each component | Y | |
Liverpool | Liverpool | Faculty of Medicine | MBChB based at Lancaster U | 10/15 | 20,500 | 無 | 7.0 with 7.0 in each component | Y | ||
Manchester | Manchester | School of Medicine | MBChB | 10/15 | Home: 351; Overseas: 29 | Y1-2:14,700; Y3-5: 26,800 | UKCAT 2580 | 7.0 with 7.0 in each component | Y | |
Newcastle | Newcastle | Medical School | MBBS | 10/15 | Home: 301; Overseas: 26 | Y1-2: 13,900; Y3-5: 25,735 | UKCAT | 7.0 with 7.0 in each component | Y | |
Nottingham | Nottingham | BMBS (5 Years) | 10/15 | Home: 221; Overseas: 28 | Y1-2:15,030; Y3-5: 26,160 | UKCAT | 7.0 with 7.0 in each component | Y | ||
Nottingham | Nottingham | BMedSci (6 Years) | 10/15 | Y1-2:15,030; Y3-5: 26,160 | UKCAT | 7.0 with 7.0 in each component | Y | |||
Oxford | Oxford | Oxford Medical School | BMBCh | 10/15 | Total: 150; Overseas: 3 | Y1-3: 12,180: Y4-6: 23,475 | BMAT | 7.0 with 7.0 in each component | Y | |
Oxford | Oxford | Oxford Medical School | BMBCh4 (Accelerated 4 Years) | 10/15 | Y1: 12,180; Y2-4: 23,475 | UKCAT | 7.0 with 7.0 in each component | Y | ||
Plymouth | Peninsula Medical School | BM | 10/15 | Home:215; Overseas: 15 | Y1-2:14,400; Y3-5: 21,500 | UKCAT | 7.5 with 7.0 in each component | Y | ||
London | Queen Mary, London | School of Medicine and Dentistry | MBBS | 10/15 | Y1-2:16,442; Y3-5: 26,224 | UKCAT | 7.0 with 7.0 in each component | Y | ||
N. Irland | Queen's Belfast | School of Medicine and Dentistry | MB | 10/15 | Total: 266 | Y1-2:13,145; Y3-5: 26,534 | UKCAT | 7.5 with 7.0 in each component | Y | |
Sheffield | Sheffield | Medical School | MBChB | 10/15 | Home: 230; Overseas: 18 | Y1-2:15,100; Y3-5: 27,290 | UKCAT 2780 | 7.0 with 7.0 in each component | Y | |
Southampton | Southampton | School of Medicine | BM Medicine | 10/15 | Home: 160; Overseas: 20 | 25,500 | UKCAT | 7.0 with 7.0 in each component | Y | |
Scotland | St Andrews | School of Medicine | Undertraduate Medicine | 10/15 | Total 55 | 20,500 | UKCAT 2457 | 7.0 with 7.0 in each component | Y | |
London | St George's | School of Medicine | MBBS | 10/15 | Total 175 | UKCAT | 7.0 with 7.0 in each component | Y | ||
London | UCL | UCL Medical School | MBBS | 10/15 | Home: 306; Overseas: 24 | 5 Years: 26190 | BMAT | 7.0 with 7.0 in each component | Y | |
Warwick | Warwick | Warwick Medical School | Graduate Entry Only | 02 2361 0300 (台北車站) | 代辦英國:詠瑞留學最專業,最有經驗 |
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