英國醫學院申請需知, 英國醫學院申請總整理  (資料提供: 詠瑞留學 02 2361 0300)          英國醫科A 水準班    協助台灣高中生到英國讀醫科

地點Location 學校School 學院/系Department 學程Program 申請截止日Deadline 招收名額


學費/國際學生請另洽學校Tuition 入學考 (代辦請洽詠瑞留學 LINE:   @pbs7464v  

Entry Exam

英文要求(補習或一對一家教請洽詠瑞留學 02 2361 0300 Lang Requirement
Scotland Aberdeen School of Medicine and Dentistry MBChB 10/15 Home: 162; Overseas: 33 Y1-2: 13,200; Y3-5: 24,000 UKCAT 1790 - 3310 7.0 with 7.0 in each component Y
Birmingham Birmingham Medical School MBChB 10/15 Home:332; Overseas: 40 Y1-2:14,650; Y3-5: 26,590 7.0 with 7.0 in each component Y
Brighton Brighton & Sussex Medical School Medicine
Home: 134; Overseas: 10 23,678 UKCAT 7.5 with 7.0 in each component Y
Bristol Bristol Medical School MBChB 10/15 Home: 216; Overseas 19 Y1-2:15,500; Y3-5: 28,700 7.5 with 7.0 in each component Y
Cambridge Cambridge Medicine Medicine (A100) 10/15 Home: 276; Overseas: 22 5 Years: 28632 BMAT 7.0 with 7.0 in each component Y
Cardiff Cardiff School of Medicine MBBCH 10/15 Home: 280; Overseas: 24 Y1-2:13,750; Y3-5: 24,500 UKCAT 7.0 with 7.0 in each component Y
Scotland Dundee Medical School MBChB 10/15 Home: 142; Overseas: 12 Y1-2: 13,750; Y3-5: 25,500 UKCAT 2600 7.0 with 7.0 in each component Y
Norwich East Anglia Norwich Medical School MBBS 10/15 Home: 130: Overseas: 13 23,250 UKCAT 7.5 with 7.0 in each component Y
Edinburgh Edinburgh College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine MBChB 10/15 Home: 202; Overseas: 16 Y1-2: 19,600; Y3-5: 33,200 UKCAT 7.0 with 7.0 in each component Y
Glasgow Glasgow School of Medicine MBChB 10/15 Home: 223; Overseas: 18 27,000 UKCAT 2400-2500 7.5 with 7.5 in each component Y
York Hull-York Medical School HYMS 10/15 Home: 130; Overseas: 10 23,268 UKCAT 2000 7.5 with 7.0 in each component Y
London Imperial College Faculty of Medicine MBBS 10/15 Home: 265; Overseas: 21 6 Years: BMAT. 4.9 in Sections 1&2; 2.5 and grade C in section 3 7.0 with 7.0 in each component Y
Liverpool Keele Medical School MBChB 10/15 Home: 120; Overseas: 10 Y1-2:19,570; Y3-5: 22,900 UKCAT 2150-3030 7.0 with 7.0 in each component Y
London King's College School of Medicine MBBS 10/15 Home: 301; Overseas: 34 Y1-2:16,800; Y3-5: 31,150 UKCAT 7.0 with 6.5 in each component Y
Leeds Leeds School of Medicine MBHB 10/15 Home: 223; Overseas: 20 29,750 UKCAT 7.5 with 7.5 in each component Y
Leicester Leicester Medical School MBChB 10/15 Home: 115; Overseas: 20 Y1-2: 13,750; Y3-5: 24,895 UKCAT 7.0 with 7.0 in each component Y
Liverpool Liverpool Faculty of Medicine MBChB 10/15 Home: 292; Overseas: 24 20,500 7.0 with 7.0 in each component Y
Liverpool Liverpool Faculty of Medicine MBChB based at Lancaster U 10/15   20,500 7.0 with 7.0 in each component Y
Manchester Manchester School of Medicine MBChB 10/15 Home: 351; Overseas: 29 Y1-2:14,700; Y3-5: 26,800 UKCAT 2580 7.0 with 7.0 in each component Y
Newcastle Newcastle Medical School MBBS 10/15 Home: 301; Overseas: 26 Y1-2: 13,900; Y3-5: 25,735 UKCAT 7.0 with 7.0 in each component Y
Nottingham Nottingham BMBS (5 Years) 10/15 Home: 221; Overseas: 28 Y1-2:15,030; Y3-5: 26,160 UKCAT 7.0 with 7.0 in each component Y
Nottingham Nottingham BMedSci (6 Years) 10/15   Y1-2:15,030; Y3-5: 26,160 UKCAT 7.0 with 7.0 in each component Y
Oxford Oxford Oxford Medical School BMBCh 10/15 Total: 150; Overseas: 3 Y1-3: 12,180: Y4-6: 23,475 BMAT 7.0 with 7.0 in each component Y
Oxford Oxford Oxford Medical School BMBCh4 (Accelerated 4 Years) 10/15   Y1: 12,180; Y2-4: 23,475 UKCAT 7.0 with 7.0 in each component Y
Plymouth Peninsula Medical School BM 10/15 Home:215; Overseas: 15 Y1-2:14,400; Y3-5: 21,500 UKCAT 7.5 with 7.0 in each component Y
London Queen Mary, London School of Medicine and Dentistry MBBS 10/15   Y1-2:16,442; Y3-5: 26,224 UKCAT 7.0 with 7.0 in each component Y
N. Irland Queen's Belfast School of Medicine and Dentistry MB 10/15 Total: 266 Y1-2:13,145; Y3-5: 26,534 UKCAT 7.5 with 7.0 in each component Y
Sheffield Sheffield Medical School MBChB 10/15 Home: 230; Overseas: 18 Y1-2:15,100; Y3-5: 27,290 UKCAT 2780 7.0 with 7.0 in each component Y
Southampton Southampton School of Medicine BM Medicine 10/15 Home: 160; Overseas: 20 25,500 UKCAT 7.0 with 7.0 in each component Y
Scotland St Andrews School of Medicine Undertraduate Medicine 10/15 Total 55 20,500 UKCAT 2457 7.0 with 7.0 in each component Y
London St George's School of Medicine MBBS 10/15 Total 175   UKCAT 7.0 with 7.0 in each component Y
London UCL UCL Medical School MBBS 10/15 Home: 306; Overseas: 24 5 Years: 26190 BMAT 7.0 with 7.0 in each component Y
Warwick Warwick Warwick Medical School Graduate Entry Only    02 2361 0300 (台北車站)   代辦英國:詠瑞留學最專業,最有經驗  

讀高職也可以同時讀美國高中(在台上課/招生中)                 協助台灣高中生到英國讀醫科



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美國牙醫學院申請須知及注意事項                         生物/化學/基礎研究                美國醫學院申請要求           美國註冊護士RN與執照護士LPN的比較

美國藥學系申請需知, 申請總整理, Pharm. D., MS, Ph.D.      6年一貫班藥學博士 麻州藥科與健康大學    Doctor of Optometry 視光學博士課程7年一貫班

申請美國物理治療課程Physical Therapy 大學部必修課程         高二讀完前進英國名校讀物理治療系                   Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) 物理治療博士課程6年一貫班

國,加拿大,英國, 澳洲,紐西蘭,國小,國中,高中, 大學,研究所,博士班,語言課程申請, 25年經驗, 請您儘早來詠瑞留學找張詠誠先生做留學規劃,  (方向重於努力,規劃可以改變未來,我們已幫無數學生達成夢想) 中學生出國留學最好小學六年級開始規劃, 9年級出國, 相關說明洽張詠誠
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