School of Information Ranking (Gourman’s 1996)
1. University of Michigan, 4.91
2. University of Illinois, 4.90
3. Indiana University, 4.86
4. University of Wisconsin, 4.84
5. UCLA, 4.82
6. Rutgers University, 4.80
7. University of Pittsburgh, 4.77
8. University of North Carolina, 4.74
9. Simmons College, 4.71
10. University of Texas, 4.66
11. University of Washington, 4.62
12. University of Maryland, 4.58
13. Florida State University, 4.56
14. Syracuse University, 4.51
15. Drexel University, 4.47
16. Pratt Institute, 4.43
17. State University of New York-Albany, 4.41
18. Wayne State University, 4.38
19. Catholic University, 4.36
20. Louisiana State University, 4.35
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School of Information Ranking (USNews 1999)
1. University of Illinois, 4.4
1. University of North Carolina, 4.4
3. University of Michigan, 4.0
3. Syracuse University, 4.0
3. University of Pittsburgh, 4.0
6. Indiana University, 3.9
6. Rutgers University, 3.9
8. University of Wisconsin, 3.8
9. Drexel University, 3.7
10. University of Texas, 3.6
10. University of California--Los Angeles, 3.6
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