Abilen Christian U.
Adelphi U.
Alabama S. U.,
American U.
Angelo S. U.
Appalachian S. U
Arizona S. U,
Arizona S. U. West,
Auburn U.
Ball S. U.,
Baruch, CUNY,
Baylor U.,
Bloomsbury U. of Penn,
Boise S. U.,
Boston C.,
Boston U.,
Bowling Green S. U.,
Bradley U.,
Brandeis U,
Brigham Young U.,
Brooklyn C. CUNY,
Brown U
California S U, Chico,
California S U, Fresno
California S U, Fullerton,
California S U, Hayward,
California S U, L A,
California S U, L B,
California S U, Northridge,
California S U, Sacramento,
California U Penn
Canisius C,
Carnegie Mellon U,
Case Western Reserve U,
Catholic U of America,
Central Michigan U,
Central Missouri S U,
Charleston Southern U
City U
Claremont Graduate U,
Clark Atlanta U
Clark U
Clarkson U
Clemson U,
Cleveland S U,
C of Saint Rose,
C of William & Marry
Colorado S U,
Columbia U,
Columbus S U
Cornell U,
Dallas Baptist U,
Delaware S U
Delta S U,
Depaul U,
Dominican U,
Drake U
Drexel U,
Duke U
Duquesne U
East Carolina U,
Eastern C,
Eastern Illinois U
Eastern Kentucky U
Eastern Michigan U,
East Tennessee S U,
Eastern Washington U
Emory U
Emporia S U
Fairfield U,
Fairleigh Dickinson U,
Florida A & M U,
Florida Atlantic U,
Florida I Tech
Florida International U,
Florida S U,
Fordham U,
Fort Hays S U,
Friends U
Gannon U,
George Mason U,
George Washington U,
Georgetown U
Georgia I. Tech
Georgia Southern U,
Georgia S U,
Golden Gate U
Gonzaga U,
Governors S U,
CUNY, Hunter
Harvard U
Howard U
Hawaii Pacific U,
Hofstra U,
Houston Baptist U,
Idaho S U
Illinois I Tech
Illinois S U,
Indiana S U
Indiana U, Bloomington,
Indiana U, Northwest,
Indiana U, Purdue
Indiana U, South Bend,
Indiana U of Penn
Jackson S U,
Jacksonville State U
Jacksonville U
James Madison U,
John F. Kennedy U
Johns Hopkins U
Kansas S U,
Kent State U,
Lake Superior S U
Lehigh U
Lincoln U (MO)
Long Island U,
Louisiana S U,
Louisiana Tech U,
Loyola U, Chicago,
Manhattan C,
Marquette U
Miami U,
Michigan S U,
Michigan Tech U
Middle Tennessee S U,
Mississippi C,
Mississippi S U,
Montana S U, Bozeman,
Montclair S U,
Morgan S U
National U
New Mexico S U,
New School U
New York I Tech
New York U,
North Carolina Central U
North Carolina S U,
North Dakota S U
Northeastern Illinois U,
Northeastern U,
Northern Arizona U
Northern Illinois U,
Northwestern U, D
Northwest Missouri S U,
Nova Southeastern U,
Oakland U,
Ohio S U,
Ohio U,
Oklahoma City U,
Oklahoma S U,
Old Dominion U,
Oral Roberts U,
Oregon S U
Pace U,
Penn S U,
Pepperdine U
Philadelphia C T&S,
Pittsburg S U,
Polytechnic U
Portland S U
Purdue U,
Quinnipiac C,
Rensselaer Polytechnic I,
Rice U
Rider U
Rochester I of Tech,
Roosevelt U,
Rutgers U, Newark,
St. Ambrose U,
St. Bonaventure U,
St. Cloud S U,
St. Edwards U,
St. John’s U (NY),
Saint Joseph’s U,
Saint Louis U,
Saint Peter’s C,
St. Thomas U,
Salve Regina U,
San Diego S U,
San Francisco S U
San Jose S U,
Santa Clara U
Seattle Pacific U
Seattle U
Seton Hall U,
Slippery Rock U Penn,
Sonoma S U
South Carolina S U
Southeastern Louisiana U
Southern Illinois U, at C,
Southern Illinois U, at E,
Southern Utah U,
Southwest Missouri S U,
Southwest Texas S U,
Stanford U
SUNY, Albany,
SUNY, Binghamton,
SUNY, Buffalo
SUNY, Stony Brook
SUNY, Utica/Rome,
S U of West Georgia,
Stephen F. Austin S U,
Stetson U,
Stevens I Tech
Syracuse U,
Temple U,
Tennessee S U
Texas A&M (CS),
Texas A&M, Kingsville
Texas A&M, Commerce
Texas A&M Texarkana
Texas Christian U,
Texas Tech U,
Towson U,
Trinity U,
Troy State U,
Truman S U,
Tulane U
United State International U
U Akron,
U Alabama Birmingham
U Alabama (Tuscaloosa), MD
U Alabama (Huntsville), M
U Alaska, Fairbanks
U Arizona, M
U Arkansas, Fayetteville, M
U Arkansas, Little Rock
U Baltimore, M
U Bridgeport
U C, Berkeley, D
U C, Davis
U C, Irvine
U C, Los Angeles
U C, Riverside
U C, San Diego
U C, Santa Barbara
U C, Santa Cruz
U Central Florida,
U Chicago,
U Cincinnati,
U Colorado, Boulder,
U Colorado, Denver,
U Connecticut,
U Dayton
U Delaware,
U Denver,
U Detroit Mercy
U Florida,
U Georgia,
U Hartford,
U Hawaii, Manoa,
U Houston,
U Houston, Clear Lake,
U Idaho,
U Illinois, Chicago,
U Illinois, Springfield,
U Illinois, UC,
U Indianapolis,
U Iowa,
U Kansas,
U Kentucky,
U La Verne
U Louisville
U Maine
U Maryland, Baltimore
U Maryland, CP
U Massachusetts, Amherst
U Massachusetts, Boston
U Massachusetts, Dartmouth
U Massachusetts, Lowell
U Memphis,
U Miami,
U Michigan
U Michigan, Flint
U Michigan, Dearborn
U Minnesota, TC,
U Minnesota, Duluth
U Mississippi,
U Missouri, Columbia,
U Missouri, KC,
U Missouri, St. Louis,
U Montana, Missoula,
U Nebraska, Lincoln,
U Nebraska, Omaha,
U Nevada, LV,
U Nevada, Reno,
U New Hampshire
U New Haven,
U new Mexico,
U New Orleans,
U North Carolina, CH,
U North Carolina, Charlotte,
U North Carolina, Greensboro,
U North Carolina, Wilmington,
U North Dakota
U North Florida,
U North Texas,
U Notre Dame,
U Oklahoma,
U Oregon,
U Penn,
U Pittsburgh
U Portland
U Rhode Island,
U Richmond
U Rochester
U San Diego
U San Francisco
U St. Thomas,
U Scranton,
U South Alabama,
U South Carolina,
U South Dakota,
U South Florida,
U Southern California,
U Southern Indiana,
U Southern Mississippi,
U Tampa
U Tennessee, Chattanooga,
U Tennessee, Knoxville,
U Tennessee, Martin,
U Texas, Arlington,
U Texas, Austin,
U Texas, Dallas
U Texas, El Paso,
U Texas, San Antonio,
U Texas, Pan American
U The Pacific
U Toledo,
U Tulsa,
U Utah,
U Vermont
U Virginia,
U Washington
U West Florida,
U Wisconsin, Madison,
U Wisconsin, Milwaukee
U Wisconsin, Whitewater,
U Wyoming
Utah S U,
Vanderbilt U
Virginia Commonwealth U,
Virginia Polytechnic U,
Virginia S U
Wake Forest U,
Washington S U,
Washington U
Wayne S U
Weber S U,
West Texas A&M U,
Western Carolina U,
Western Illinois U,
Western Kentucky U,
Western Michigan U,
Western New England C,
West Virginia U, M
Wheeling Jesuit U, M
Wichita S U, M
Widener U, M
Worcester Polytechnic I
Wilkes U,
Wright S U,
Yale U, D
Youngstown S U,
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