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Concordia U
Lawrence Tech U
Bethel College
American Purlinton U
Preston U
Southern Illinois U
U of Northern Virginia
Long Island U
Texas A&M U
Texas State U
Upper Iowa U
Yuin U
Barry U
Pacific States U
U of Dubuque
U of Bridgeport
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Abilene Christian U
Anderson U
Asbury College
Azusa Pacific U
Belhaven College
Bethel College
Biola U
Bluffton U
Bryan College
California Baptist U
Calvin College
Campbellsville U
Carson-Newman College
Cedarville U
College of the Ozarks
Colorado Christian U
Corban College
Cornerstone U
Covenant College
Crichton College
Crown College
Dallas Baptist U
Dordt College
East Texas Baptist U
Eastern Mennonite U
Eastern Nazarene College
Eastern U
Erskine College
Evangel U
Fresno Pacific U
Geneva College
George Fox U
Gordon College
Goshen College
Grace College & Seminary
Greenville College
Hardin-Simmons U
Hope International U
Houghton College
Houston Baptist U
Howard Payne U
Huntington U
Indiana Wesleyan U
John Brown U
Judson College
Kentucky Christian U
King College
King¡¦s U College (Canada)
Lee U
LeToumeau U
Lipscomb U
Lipscomb U
Louisiana College
Malone College
Master¡¦s College & Seminary
Messiah College
MidAmerica Nazarene U
Milligan College
Mississippi College
Missouri Baptist U
Montreat College
Mount Vernon Nazarene U
North Greenville U
North Park U
Northwest Christian College
Northwest Nazarene U
Northwest U
Northwestern College
Nyack College
Oklahoma Baptist U
Oklahoma Christian U
Oklahoma Wesleyan U
Olivet Nazarene U
Oral Roberts U
Palm Beach Atlantic U
Point Loma Nazarene U
Redeemer U College (Canada)
Roberts Wesleyan College
Seattle Pacific U
Simpson U
Southeastern U
Southern Nazarene U
Southern Wesleyan U
Southwest Baptist U
Spring Arbor U
Sterling College
Tabor College
Taylor U
Trevecca Nazarene U
Trinity Christian College
Trinity International U
Trinity Western U (Canada)
Union U
U of Sioux Falls
Vanguard U of Southern California
Warner Pacific College
Warner Southern College
Wayland Baptist U
Waynesburg College
Westmont College
Wheaton College
Whitworth College
Williams Baptist College \
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