A complete two-semester integrated sequence of General Biology, to include a
strong foundation in both Organismal Biology and Cellular/Molecular/Genetic
If a sequence of general biology is not available, then:
Semester system: Animal Biology and a course in Cell Biology
(preferable) or Botany;
Quarter system: Animal Biology and Cell Biology and Botany.
Human anatomy, human physiology, and microbiology do not count
toward the biology requirement.
Chemistry with labs-
(16 cr. minimum)
A complete sequence of General Chemistry (at least 8 cr. minimum) and one year
of Organic Chemistry ( 8 cr. minimum).
Calculus for Math / Science Majors-
(4-5 credits + competency in required topics)
A non-survey microbiology course. A lab is not required.
(3 cr. minimum)
Most college-level statistics courses will satisfy this requirement.
1.The Admissions Committee is concerned about mathematics and science
course work that may have been completed more than ten years ago. Please consult
with a Pre-Pharmacy Advisor regarding your specific situation. or phone (608)
Non-Math & Science Courses
Communication "A"
Course work equivalent to the UW-Madison Communication "A" requirement.
A score of at least 4 on the AP English: Language & Composition exam
A score of at least 4 on the AP English: Literature & Composition exam
Acceptable UW System English placement test score(s):
an ENGL score of at least 605, or
an ECS score of at least 706, or
a UWEPT score of at least 660 and a UWRCT score of at least 730
(3-4 cr.)
General economics and macroeconomics do not fulfill this requirement.
Social Science-
(3 cr.)
General sociology or general anthropology or cultural anthropology. Cultural
anthropology will count also as ethnic studies.
Behavioral Science-
(3 cr.)
Introductory psychology or social psychology.
Ethnic Studies-
(3 cr.)
Courses that satisfy the ethnic studies requirement must provide evidence that a
majority of the course material:
focuses on the increasingly multicultural aspects of life in U.S. society
provides a critical examination of discrimination against ethnic/racial
minorities in the U.S. AND/OR
focuses on the history, experience, or cultural traditions of ethnic/racial
minorities in the U.S.
Many students take a Cultural Anthropology course to satisfy this requirement,
however, there are many other acceptable courses (sometimes they are cross
listed in several departments including anthropology, sociology, history etc.).
Students should review their course catalog to determine which courses they
think will address these topics and then send us the course name and number and
we can verify if it will work. A review of the course description often
provides enough information for us to make a determination; however, a course
syllabus may also be requested.
Other College Courses
To bring total degree credits to 68 credits
Non-Major Curriculum Graduation Requirements
There are certain liberal arts courses that are required for graduation (not
for admission). These graduation requirements are: 2 credits of history and 3
credits of humanities. If you have space in your pre-Pharm.D. program, you are
encouraged to work ahead on these graduation requirements. However, do not put
yourself into academic credit overloads to do so. Because of the rigorous nature
of the pre-Pharm.D. program, we recommend that pre-Pharm.D. students take not
more than 16 credits per semester.
Recommended Pre-Pharmacy Credit Load
In order to
strengthen your application for admission to the School of Pharmacy and
demonstrate your preparedness for the rigorous demands of School of Pharmacy
academic loads, you are encouraged to enroll in 14 - 16 credits each
semester, except for your first semester in college in which we recommend
that you enroll in a slightly lighter credit load of 12 - 14 credits to help you
to achieve a good start in college. This lighter credit load in your first
semester will help you to make a good transition from high school to college
both academically and socially. It is designed to give you time to make
connections with new people, to get involved with activities and experiences
that will allow you to address admissions criteria, and to demonstrate a strong
academic record. Due to the rigorous nature of the pre-School of Pharmacy
curricula, we recommend that you take no more than 16 credits per semester.
2. Ethnic Studies (United States Diversity Studies)
Physiology Note
Though not required for admission, physiology is a required course in the first
year of the Pharm.D. curriculum. Students who successfully complete a semester
of human physiology or a year sequence of Anatomy & Physiology at another
institution will be given the option to test out of UW-Madison’s physiology