南澳大利亞留學移民的優勢,2018,2019 留學澳洲首選
規劃, 申請, 就學, 就業, 詠瑞留學25年專業,經驗,人脈 台北 02 2361 0300 - LINE: @pbs7464v ; 微信: benuredu
加拿大申請區加拿大讀一年可以工作一年, 讀二年可以工作三年, 可辦居留
南澳留學省提名資格: 您必須在澳洲留學且獲得以下學位之一, 申請時人在澳洲
· 博士或是研究型碩士PhD or Masters by Research.
· 教學碩士GPA of 6.0 or above in a Masters by Coursework degree (following completion of a Bachelor degree in South Australia).
· 榮譽學士First Class Honours in a dedicated Honours year (following completion of a Bachelor degree in South Australia).
· 學士PA of 6.0 or above in a Bachelor degree.
Immigration SA is making it easier for talented international
graduates of South Australian public universities to qualify for state
nomination through the "high
performing graduate" category.
Immigration SA offers state nomination to international graduates of South
Australia who meet state and federal government
requirements for a 190 or 489 General Skilled Migration visa.
Benefits of state nomination include:
· Additional points towards the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) points test (five points for the 190 visa or 10 points for the 489 visa).
· More flexible state nomination requirements for international graduates of South Australia.
· Priority visa application processing with DIBP.
Benefits of the ‘high performing graduate’ category include:
· Access to a more extensive list of occupations on either the State Occupation List or the Supplementary Skilled List.
· Waivers to Immigration SA’s work experience and English language requirements.
You will still need to meet the English and work experience
required for your skills assessment and registration (if your occupation
requires registration).
High Performing Graduate
To qualify as a high performing graduate, you will need to be currently
residing in South Australia and
have completed
one of the following qualifications from a South Australian public university (in
the last two years) with
the required Grade Point Average (GPA) listed below:
· PhD or Masters by Research.
· GPA of 6.0 or above in a Masters by Coursework degree (following completion of a Bachelor degree in South Australia).
· First Class Honours in a dedicated Honours year (following completion of a Bachelor degree in South Australia).
· PA of 6.0 or above in a Bachelor degree.
Your GPA is listed on your academic transcript.
The three public universities in South Australia are: Flinders University,
University of Adelaide and University of South Australia.
詠瑞留學台北車站 02 2361 0300 - veda.lin@msa.hinet.net; wangp90@gmail.com skype: benuredu LINE: @pbs7464v
詠瑞留學可在紐約市及美國各大都市, 台北,台中,在當地協助, 限詠瑞留學代辦生 美國 加拿大寄宿中學申請指南
申請、諮詢請洽詠瑞留學 (可預約一對一免費咨詢) 25年專業,經驗,人脈 美國一年制MBA 總整理
請洽詠瑞留學 veda.lin@msa.hinet.net; ureduagent@gmail.com ; skype: benuredu; LINE: @pbs7464v 英國國高中/寄宿中學申請區
規劃, 申請, 就學, 就業, 詠瑞留學2年專業,經驗,人脈 台北 02 2361 0300 - LINE: @pbs7464v
詠瑞留學在美國及加拿大各主要都市設有辦事處, 服務代辦生 veda.lin@msa.hinet.net; ureduagent@gmail.com ; skype: benuredu; LINE: @pbs7464v
加拿大申請區 多倫多辦事處提供服務項目(參考): 代辦找詠瑞, 補習找詠瑞 , 專業, 經驗, 有一套,有人脈 veda.lin@msa.hinet.net
申請: 請由詠瑞留學輔導 02 2361 0300 加拿大國中及高中申請 (詠瑞留學免費輔導) SSAT考試,報名,補習須知 美國寄宿中學
詠瑞英語教室 各種暑假課程報名表 到詠瑞留學上SSAT的好處 2014美國加拿大國高中及寄宿中學申請指南
詠瑞留學為ETS授權之SLEP考試中心)//SSAT中學入學檢測簡介 |
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申請: 請洽詠瑞留學
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