University of California 加州大學

規劃, 申請, 就學, 就業, 生產, 詠瑞留學25年專業,經驗,人脈  台北 02 2731 6060   台中: 04 2229 6608  LINE: @pbs7464v; 微信: benuredu 

 (UC, Berkeley, UCLA, UC San Diego, UC, Davis, UC, Irvine, UC, Santa Barbara, UC, Sata Cruz, UC, Riverside, UC, Merced等校區申請需知 (大學部申請人申請需知)

Berkeley    Davis   Irvine     Los Angeles     Merced
Riverside    San Diego 
San Francisco     Santa Barbara      Santa Cruz


1.      入學前需修習科目:

(a)    College Prep English: 4 (English that includes frequent and regular writing and reading of classic and modern literature. Not Mort than two semesters of ninth-grade English can be used to meet this requirement.

(b)   Mathematics: 3 years (4 recommended) (Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II)

(c)    History/Social Science: 2 Years required. Include one year of US History and one year of World Studies.

(d)   *Lab Science: 2 years (3 recommended) CP Integrated Science I, II, and III (Biology, Chemistry, Physics), Physiology.

(e)    Language (other than English): 2 years (3 recommended) (Must be same foreign language)

(f)     Visual and Performing Arts: 1 year. Students must complete a year-long approved course from a single visual and performing arts subject area (dance, music, visual arts, or dram/theater.)

(g)    College Preparatory Electives (1 year required). Additional courses taken in subject requirement a to f above. They are to be chose from the following subject areas: Social Science, English, Advanced Math, Laboratory Science, Foreign Language, and Visual and Performing Arts. Also selected elective courses listed on the UC Approved List.


2.      SAT I or ACT and SAT II requirement:

Students must submit test scores for either the SAT I or ACT and three SAT II tests (Subject Tests Including writing, mathematics level 1 or level 2, and one test in one of the following areas-English literature, foreign language, science, or social science).


*The Science College Requirements must satisfy 1 year life science and 1 year physical science.


有關University of California 加州大學 (10個校區的入學申請, 請由詠瑞留學輔導 02 2731 6060)


California State University 加州州立大學

加州州立大學23個校區 (California State University, Los Angeles, East Bay,

23 campuses 入學申請需知: (大學部申請人申請需知)

Students must complete the following minimum requirements:


(a)    College Prep English: 4 (English that includes frequent and regular writing and reading of classic and modern literature. Not Mort than two semesters of ninth-grade English can be used to meet this requirement.

(b)   Mathematics: 3 years (4 recommended) (Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II)

(c)    History/Social Science: 2 Years required. Include one year of US History and one year of World Studies.

(d)   *Lab Science: 2 years Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Physiology.

(e)    Foreign Language: 2 years same foreign language

(f)     Visual and Performing Arts: 1 year. Students must complete a year-long approved course from a single visual and performing arts subject area (dance, music, visual arts, or dram/theater.)

(g)    College Preparatory Electives (1 year required). Additional courses taken in subject requirement a to f above. Selected college prep elective courses.

2.SAT I or ACT requirement (詠瑞代辦生, 由顧問統一書明 SAT 及 Cal Achievement Exam的共同性及替代性


3. Other requirement 其他要求

i. Graduation from high school

ii. An eligibility index that places applicants in top 1/3 of their graduation classes

. GPA and SAT關係表: 

GPA                 SAT                                 ACT

3.0                                        Qualified                         Qualified

2.8                                      660                                          14

2.6                                      820                                         18

2.4                                      980                                         22

2.2                                      1140                                       26

2.0                                      1300                                       30

2007年起新制SAT換算, 詠瑞代辦生請由各顧問說明 (高中職學生請在高1升高2暑假來找詠瑞留開始辦理規劃及申請事宜) LINE: @pbs7464v; 微信: benuredu 

有關 California State University 加州州立大學 (23個校區的入學申請, 請由詠瑞留學輔導 02 2361 0300  //    2731 6060)

有關加州大學各校排名,請購買詠瑞留學每件出版的美國大學介紹及申請指南, MBA申請指南,及其他相關書籍!  留學相關書籍

加州大學保證入學方案, 有綠卡或公民者的福音

如果你在加州讀高中,參加UC的本地學生(Eligible in the Local Context)計劃的合格,如果你根據UC計算排名在學校的前9%的學生。 如果你沒有被錄取到你申請的UC校區,如果有資源可用,並且你已經達到了UC入學的最低要求,你將會被錄取到另一個UC校區。



所有在九年級到十一年級的“a-g”課程,包括11年級的夏季,都被計入ELC所需的11門課程。 申請者應該列出十年級前十年級和十年級課程所採取的課程。 雖然統一課程計算並沒有計算九年級的成績GPA,但我們確實使用GPA計算中10年級之前夏季的成績。

是的,高三(11年級)學生在夏季學習的課程將被ELC接受。 申請者應列出十一年級及11年級升12的暑假的課程。

為了完全符合資格,並保證錄取的保證,學生必須在其高年級結束前完成所有“a-g”課程,包括已批准的一年VPA (Visual Performance Art)課程。 如果學生不能在你的學校上課,他們可以參加一個學期,可轉換的社區大學課程。 它必須至少有3學分/學期的單位,屬於四個VPA學科之一:戲劇/戲劇,舞蹈,音樂或視覺藝術。

外語要求: 要求與在全州範圍內符合資格的申請人相同 - 兩年 - 但至少一年必須在ELC考慮的高(12年級)年級之前完成。



詠瑞留學資訊有限公司預約初談表( LINE: @pbs7464v; 微信: benuredu 或電話預約)                           美國國高中/寄宿中學申請區  

更多資訊請上詠瑞網站:       公司簡介/收費

UR Edu and Info Co. Ltd.詠瑞留學資訊公司 地址/經濟部登記合法留學公司
台北市復興南路一段1374F-1 (忠孝東路/復興南路口/一樓為華南銀行)
886 2 2731 6060

886 2 2731 4412 fax

1美國申請區 2英國申請區 3澳洲及紐西蘭 4加拿大申請區 5專科直攻碩士 6遊學及語言課程 7 國中及高中申請 8MBA申請


 9 大專院校講師博士班     10  一年學士班(二專生/五專生特別課程)  11 基督書院/學院留學申請/MBA免GMAT  12 偉恩州立大學英語教學博士班免GRE/在美2年