加州完整研究學院 California Institute of Integral Studies

California Institute of Integral Studies

加州完整研究學院CIIS祟尚心靈,精神,身體之整合,看似分離的事情其實有其關連性, 超越的"一"及眾生是相輔相成而非"一"大於眾生, 本校擁抱矛盾也祟尚多元化,此為研究整體的二大方法學 The Meaning of the Sri Yantra!

本校地址:1453 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA 94103

加州完整研究學院CIIS1968年建校 (Dr. Haridas Chaudhuri from Bengal), Dr. Chaudhuri在1951年受史丹佛大學邀請,加入其American Academy of Asian Studies in San Francisco, 致力於推廣他的完整方法學, 學校在過去40年快速成長,但仍然保有小班教學,個人學習環境, 及強烈社區感, 目前有學生1000人,學校位於舊金山市South of Market(SoMa). 交通方便, 都市豐富環境提供良好學習素材,本校有3學院:

(1)大學完成學院Bachelor of Arts Degree Completion: 協助有大學學分者完成大學學位 (weekend-cohort Leaning model)

(2)知覺及轉變學院 School of Consciousness and Transformation: 本研究所提供碩士MA及博士學位Ph.D.在下列領域East-West Psychology; Cultural Anthropology and Social Transformation; Transformative Leadership; Integrative Health Studies; Philosophy and Religion, Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness; Women's Spirituality

(3)專業心理學院School of Professional Psychology: 本研究所提供博士學位Psy.D.在下列領域 Clinical Psychology及碩士學位 (MA) in Counseling Psychology in Expressive Arts Therapy(藝術治療), Drama Therapy(戲劇治療), Integral Counseling Psychology, and Somatic Psychology


MA and Ph.D. in East-West Psychology

MA in Integrative Health Studies

MA in Cultural Anthropology and Social Transformation (Gender, Ecology, and Society)

Ph.D. in Social and Cultural Anthropology

MA and Ph.D. in Philosophy and Religion (Asian and Comparative Studies)

MA and Ph.D. in Philosophy and Religion (Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness)

MA and Ph.D. in Philosophy an Religion (Women's Spirituality)

MA in Transformative Leadership (Online)

Ph.D. in Transformative Studies (Online)

學費:碩士年學費16930美元 (一年總花費37665美元)

博士年學費20070美元 (一年總花費40805美元)

心理學博士年學費27380美元 (一年總花費48275美元)

詠瑞留學備有簡章 (數量少,不外借,不郵寄外縣市) 詠瑞處理沒有截止日 (Rolling)

本校提供條件式免托福入學, 詳情請洽詠瑞留學02  2731 6060 info@urwinner.net

本校提供國際學生獎助學金 (Scholarships and Grants) www.ciis.edu/admissions/finaidforms.html

獎學金: Fulbright www.iie.org/fulbright

Organization of American States (OAS) www.oas.org

Rotary International Scholarships www.rotary.org/foundation/educational

FastWEB www.fastweb.com

Scholarship Experts www.scholarshipexperts.com

International Educational Financial Aid Website  www.iefa.org

International Students Organization in America  www.isoa.org

Foundation Center  http://gtionline.fdncenter.org 

Other Free Scholarship Search Sites: http://srnexpress.com       http://scholarship-page.com    www.college-scholarships.com

校內合法工作,校外打工在就讀一年之後, 如果成績好經USCIS核准可工作

學生保險: 本校提供 (新生強制投保) 60美元/月


申請文件:(1)成績單/要學校彌封需WES查證(2)Autobiographical Statement 自傳(3)2~3封推(3)Academic Writing Sample (4)履歷表 (5)TOEFL/可後補(6) (UPS快遞450台幣) (7)您中文的連絡資料

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申請: 請洽詠瑞留學 02 2731 6060 (還提供您簽證,機票輔導,出發前美語指南等)   精美英文簡章請洽台灣代理詠瑞留學索取


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