費城科學大學 University of Sciences in Philadelphia

美國健康科學的領導者The Nation's Leader in Health Science

University of the Sciences in Philadelphia

費城科學大學已有近200年歷史,在高等教育上極為有名,尤其是在藥學,科學及健康照顧產業(pharmaceutical, science, and health care industries)特別有名.

本校(USP)182年建校,最早校名為Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, 本校為全美第一所藥學大學 first college of pharmacy in the United States, 本校由全美六大藥學/藥品公司的創辦人所合力創辦.




(1)歷史: 1821年建,是北美第一所藥學大學校

(2)校園: 18棟建築物,校地35英畝,仕於大學市(University City),區內三萬多名大學生,本校近賓州大學及費城市中心,附近有全美主要的醫學及藥品市場

設備: 本校有80多座實驗室,Center for Advanced Pharmacy Studies (CAPS)是全美首創, 2003年本校新的運動及休閒中心落成,佔地78,000平方尺,本校有30美元的校地/校舍擴建基金. 2006年本校McNeil Science and Technology Center落成, 77,000平方尺,是全美最新的創意教學中心,將使得本校在生物,微生物,物理及其他科學的大學,研究所,博士班及博士後研究更上一層樓. 400座位的auditorium, 教室,電腦教室,及創意空間,使得電腦,科技,多媒體等教學變成可能

校長: Philip P. Gerbino, Pharm.D.1995年起在本校擔任校長,他已在本校服務超過25,本來是藥學院院長及學術副校長,也是“Linwood F. Tice Professor.” 傑出教授

學生: 本校有大學部學生2,488,研究所學生369.

 教授:145 位為全職幾乎都有博士學位Ph.D. or other doctoral degree.


本校認可: 本校學位受到專業科目協會認可Degree programs accredited by the major educational and professional associations. 另本校也被美中教育協會認可USP is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.

申請: (請由詠瑞留學輔導,沒考托福或托福考不好者可以條件式申請 02  2731 6060 veda.lin@msa.hinet.net


學生生活:本校有11varsity運動及17 intramural 比賽, 許多種專業俱樂部,榮譽社團,服務社團,報紙,學生自治會等


博物館: Marvin Samson Center for the History of Pharmacy, 此藥學博物館位於本校A tour of the museum is free and open to the public.

優良獎學金Academic Merit Awards: 如果你在校成績夠好,你不用申請,學校自動會給你此一獎學金


Philadelphia College of Pharmacy

·                                 Pharmacy: Pharm.D.

·                                 Pharmacology and Toxicology: B.S.

·                                 Pharmaceutical Sciences: B.S.

College of Health Sciences

·                                 Fitness and Health Management: B.S.

·                                 Health Science: B.S.

·                                 Medical Technology: B.S.

·                                 Occupational Therapy: M.O.T. (with B.S. in Health Science)

·                                 Physical Therapy: D.P.T. (with B.S. in Health Science).

·                                 Physician Assistant Studies: M.S. from Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine (with B.S. in Health Sciences from USP)

Misher College of Arts and Sciences

·                                 Biology: B.S.

·                                 Biochemistry: B.S.

·                                 Bioinformatics: B.S.

·                                 Chemistry: B.S.

·                                 Computer Science: B.S.

·                                 Environmental Science: B.S.

·                                 Forensic Science

·                                 Health Psychology: M.S.

·                                 Humanities and Science: B.S.

·                                 Microbiology: B.S.

·                                 Pharmaceutical Chemistry: B.S.

·                                 Psychology: B.S.

·                                 Science Teacher Certification

·                                Pre-Medicine, Pre-Veterinary Medicine, Pre-Dentistry

College of Graduate Studies

Post-Baccalaureate programs

·                                 Flexible Option Doctor of Pharmacy

·                                 Science Teacher Certification

·                                 Post Professional Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT)

·                                 Master's in Occupational Therapy (MOT)

M.S. (non-thesis) programs

·                                 Biochemistry

·                                 Bioinformatics

·                                 Biomedical Writing

·                                 Cell Biology and Biotechnology

·                                 Chemistry

·                                 Health Psychology

·                                 Health Policy

·                                 Pharmaceutics

·                                 Pharmacy Administration

M.S. programs

·                                 Biochemistry

·                                 Cell Biology and Biotechnology

·                                 Chemistry

·                                 Pharmaceutics

·                                 Pharmacognosy

·                                 Pharmacology and Toxicology

·                                 Pharmacy Administration

MBA program

·                                 Pharmaceutical Business (Online, Executive, and Evening programs)

MPH program (Master of Public Health)

·                                 Health Policy Concentration

Ph.D. programs

·                                 Biochemistry

·                                 Chemistry

·                                 Health Policy

·                                 Pharmaceutics

·                                 Pharmacognosy

·                                 Pharmacology and Toxicology

Certificate programs

·                                 Certificate in Pharmaceutical Business

·                                 Certificate in Regulatory Affairs Writing

·                                 Certificate in Medical Marketing Writing

Mayes College of Healthcare Business and Policy

B.S. programs

·                                 Pharmaceutical Marketing and Management: B.S.

MBA program

·                                 Pharmaceutical Business (Online, Executive, and Evening programs)

M.S. (non-thesis) programs

·                                 Biomedical Writing

·                                 Health Policy

Ph.D. programs

·                                 Health Policy

Certificate programs

·                                 Certificate in Pharmaceutical Business

·                                 Certificate in Regulatory Affairs Writing

·                                 Certificate in Medical Marketing Writing

 USP Campus Mapphoto tour


申請: 請由詠瑞留學輔導,沒考托福或托福考不好者可以條件式申請 02  2731 6060 veda.lin@msa.hinet.net


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1美國申請區 2英國申請區 3澳洲及紐西蘭 4加拿大申請區 5專科直攻碩士 6遊學及語言課程 7 國中及高中申請 (含寄宿中學) 8MBA申請


 9 大專院校講師博士班     10  一年學士班(二專生/五專生特別課程)  11 基督書院/學院留學申請/MBAGMAT  12 偉恩州立大學英語教學  13 條件式申請 (TOEFL/GRE/GMAT/SAT)國際教育中的百貨公司 (代理最多美國學校)