建校 | 1910 |
學期制 | semester |
大學部學生 | 15,638 |
位置 | rural |
Fall Admissions | |
申請截止日Application deadline: | 7/15 |
申請費Application fee: | $40 |
大學部錄取率 | 87.5 % |
Selectivity: | selective |
Expenses | |
學費 | $16,382美元/年 |
校地1338英畝,離俄亥俄州大城Toledo 20英哩,
博士班排全美名列前茅, 和牛津大學及哈佛大學齊名According to the Philosophical Gourmet Report, BGSU's Ph.D. program in Applied Philosophy ranks in the top group (programs 1-6) in the English-speaking world in the area of Applied Ethics, along with programs such as Harvard University and Oxford University. The Report also notes BGSU's significant strengths in the areas of political philosophy, metaethics, and normative ethics/moral psychology Students and faculty benefit from the activities of BGSU's Social Philosophy and Policy Center, which has a long history of bringing excellent scholars to campus.
2008年被評為最佳商學院The Business Administration College was recognized as one of the top business schools by The Princeton Review in its 2008 guide entitled Best 290 Business Schools BGSU's identifying the best graduate programs, and BGSU is among the best. 2008 marks the fourth time the university has appeared on the Princeton Review.
本校加拿大研究所是全美最大BGSU has a thriving Canadian Studies program, one of the largest in the United States in terms of the number of courses offered and students enrolled. The Canadian Studies Center educates students and the public about the importance of trade, security, and cultural relationships with America's neighbor to the north. Students can earn a Canadian Studies minor which provides an international perspective and prepares them for work in a globalizing economy. The Center for Environmental Programs is part of the newest school at BGSU: The School of Earth, Environment, and Society (SEES). The school is a combination of the Center for Environmental Programs, Geology, and Geography. Providing a multi-disciplinary approach better prepares students to contribute society.
全美第一個此種科系, 且期刊及協會都在本校創立BGSU's Popular Culture Department is a unique component of the university. Not only is POPC the first and only department of its kind in the country, but its founder, Dr. Ray B. Browne, also established The Journal of Popular Culture and the national Popular Culture Association, both of which are widely known and respected to this day. By extension, BGSU also has quite an extensive popular culture library, the Browne Popular Culture Library 本校音樂系也很強The Music Library and Sound Recordings Archives in the Jerome Library contains over 1,000,000 titles (mostly on vinyl), making it the third-largest collection of popular music in the world.
工業及組織心理學全美排第三The university's Ph.D. program in Industrial-Organizational Psychology program is ranked #3 in the nation (behind Michigan State and Minnesota and ahead of Penn State and Illinois) by the U.S. News and World Report. BGSU's I-O psychology program was founded by noted I-O psychologists Robert Guion and Patricia Cain Smith. Its graduates have gone on to success in academia, private industry, and government.
本校運動管理課程也是全美頂尖Sport Management program is one of the top programs in the country. BGSU offers both undergraduate and graduate programs accredited by The North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM) and the National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE) through The School of Human Movement, Sport, and Leisure Studies. Degree programs are split into two divisions: the Kinesiology Division offers undergraduate majors in Dance, Exercise Science, Human Movement Science, and Physical Education Teacher Education. The Exercise Science program has gained recognition by the National Strength and Conditionining Association. The Sport Management, Recreation, and Tourism Division offers undergraduate majors in Athletic Training/Clinic Management, Recreation, Sport Management, and Tourism. The Graduate Program includes specializations in Developmental Kinesiology (biomechanics, exercise physiology, exercise psychology, motor learning and motor development, physical education teacher education, and sport psychology), Sport Administration, and Leisure and Tourism.
The Supply Chain Management program in the Department of Management, College of Business Administration at BGSU In 2005 the U.S. News & World Report ranked the program as 19th on the list of the leading undergraduate supply chain management and logistics programs nationwide. Then in 2007, ranking 16th in the nation according to 2007-08 US News and World Report. The magazine’s The rankings were based on a survey of deans and senior faculty from undergraduate business programs accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. In addition to rating the quality of overall programs they are familiar with, the deans and faculty were asked to nominate the best programs in specialty areas, including supply chain management and logistics. BGSU's Supply Chain Management program is part of the College of Business Administration. The program prepares students for the managing all the activities, material flows, and information required to create and to deliver products and services from raw materials to the final consumers[27].
本校歷史系以政策歷史,全美知名note: BGSU's doctoral program in history is one of the few in the country that focuses on policy history—the integration of political and institutional history with social and cultural history—to examine the context, implementation, and unintended consequences of policy decisions.
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1美國申請區 2英國申請區 3澳洲及紐西蘭 4加拿大申請區 5專科直攻碩士 6遊學及語言課程 7 國中及高中申請 (含寄宿中學) 8MBA申請
9 大專院校講師博士班 10 一年學士班(二專生/五專生特別課程) 11 基督書院/學院留學申請/MBA免GMAT 12 偉恩州立大學英語教學 13 條件式申請 (免TOEFL/GRE/GMAT/SAT)國際教育中的百貨公司 |