懷俄明大學University of Wyoming (台大型綜合大學)

1.排名:  全美百大名校,台大型研究學府,校地300多公頃,卡內基列本校為全美第一守級博士及博士後研究大學, 本校藝術及科學學院榮獲NASA提供4年研究基金,普林斯頓評本校一年MBA課程為"最優秀企管碩士課程,富比士雜誌在2003年列本校為全美第13大網路設備最好大學.

2.網址: http://www.uwyo.edu



College of Agriculture(農學院)

College of Arts & Sciences(藝術暨科學學院)

College of Business(商學院)  一年MBA(Summer, Fall, Spring)6月開學/請洽台灣區代表詠瑞留學

College of Education(教育學院)

College of Engineering(工程學院)

College of Health Sciences(健康科學學院)

College of Law(法學院)

School of Environment and Nature Resources(環境暨自然資源學院)

Graduate School(研究所)



大學部:USD 9816/年;吃住USD 7983/年。

研究所:USD 446/每學分


Admission Office, University of Wyoming, Dept. 3435, 1000 E. University Ave. Laramie, WY 82071 Tel: (307) 766-5160 Email: why-wyo@uwyo.edu

申請費:USD 30




UW Graduate School, Knight Hall, Room 108, 1000 E University Ave Dept 3108, Laramie, WY 82071-3108 Tel: (307)766-2287 E-mail: uwgrad@uwyo.edu

申請費:USD 50




Graduate Academic Programs 研究所課程

Accounting - MS Adult & Post Secondary Ed-MA, EdS, EdD
Agricultural Economics - MS Agronomy - MS, PhD
American Studies - MA Animal & Veterinary  Science - MS, PhD
Anthropology - MA, PhD Atmospheric Science - MS, PhD
Audiology - MS Botany - MS, PhD
Business Administration 一年MBA(Summer, Fall, Spring)
Executive MBA (ONLINE Program!)
Chemical Engineering - MS, PhD
Chemistry - MS, MST, PhD Civil Engineering - MS, PhD
Communication - MA Community Counseling - MS
Computer Science - MS, PhD Counselor Education & Supervision-PhD
Creative Writing - MFA Curriculum and Instruction-MA, EdD, PhD
Distance Education - EdD, PhD Early Childhood Development - MA
Ecology - PhD Economics - MS, PhD
Educational Leadership
-MA, EdS, EdD, PhD
Electrical Engineering - MS, PhD
English - MA Entomology - MS, PhD
Environment and Natural Resources Environmental Engineering - MS
Family and Consumer Sciences - MS Finance - MS
Food Science & Human Nutrition-MS French - MA
Geography - MA, MST Geology - MS, PhD
Geophysics - MS, PhD German - MA
History - MA, MAT Instructional Technology - MS, EdD
(ONLINE Master's Program Available!)
Interdisciplinary Studies International Studies - MA
Kinesiology and Health - MS Mathematics - MA, MAT, MS, MST, PhD
Mechanical Engineering - MS, PhD Molecular and Cellular Life Sciences - Phd
Molecular Biology - MS Music - MA, MM
Natural Science - MS, MST Neuroscience - MS, PhD
Nursing - MS (ONLINE Nursing Educator Option Available!) Petroleum Engineering - MS, PhD
Philosophy - MA Physics & Astronomy - MS, MST, PhD
Planning - MP Political Science - MA
Psychology - MA, MS, PhD Public Administration - MPA
Rangeland Ecology & Watershed Mgt-MS, PhD Reproductive Biology - MS, PhD
School Counseling - MS Social Work - MSW
Sociology - MA Soil Science - MS, PhD
Spanish - MA Special Education - MA, EdS
Speech-Language Pathology - MS Statistics - MS, PhD
Student Affairs in Higher Education-MS Water Resources - MS
Zoology and Physiology - MS, PhD

給詠瑞留學成績單,本校可先評估是否錄取再申請/沒TOEFL/沒GRE/沒GMAT可以條件式入取 ,請洽台灣代理詠瑞留學02 2731 6060

申請:請由詠瑞留學輔導 02 2731 6060,快速知道申請結果 (免費資詢時顧問會給你更詳細的各校要求條件說明)

更多資訊請上詠瑞網站:       公司簡介/收費 (條件式申請收費18000台幣/申請4所/先繳一半,入取任何一所再繳另一半)


UR Edu and Info Co. Ltd.詠瑞留學資訊公司 地址/經濟部登記合法留學公司
台北市復興南路一段1374F-1 (忠孝東路/復興南路口/一樓為華南銀行)
886 2 2731 6060

886 2 2731 4412 fax



1美國申請區 2英國申請區 3澳洲及紐西蘭 4加拿大申請區 5專科直攻碩士 6遊學及語言課程 7 國中及高中申請 8MBA申 請