最好小學六年級開始規劃, 9年級出國, 相關說明洽張詠誠
奧克拉荷馬城市大學2010-2011年最新托福,雅思,GMAT, GRE要求及獎學金資訊 (申請:請洽代理詠瑞留學免費協助)
TOEFL/GMAT Requirements:
GMAT Waiver-(免GMAT規定)
ü If they have a Bachelor’s degree in Business, they can take 3 foundation classes (whether they would be required or not). If they make no grade lower than a B- and the overall average for the 3 classes is a B, the GMAT is waived.
ü If they do NOT have a Bachelor’s degree in Business, it is the same as above, but they must take 5 foundations instead of 3. If they make no grade lower than a B- and the overall average for the 5 classes is a B, the GMAT is waived.
ü Students with 3.4 overall undergraduate GPA may waive the GMAT and be admitted on probation. They may take a maximum of 9 hours of MBA (or foundation courses followed by nine hours of MBA coursework), and must maintain a B (3.0) overall in the foundation courses and a B (3.0) or better in each MBA class. A student falling below 3.0 overall or receiving less than a 3.0 in any MBA class will be dismissed from the MBA program.
MLA in Leadership and Management (托福80或ELS 112) TOEFL 詠瑞留學有快速雅思課程, 也是雅思官方報名中心, 請同學多利用 02 2731 6060 ü TOEFL iBT 80 / IELTS 5.5 on each band and 6.0 overall / ELS 112 (雅思5.5很容易考到,洽詠瑞留學) ü TOEFL iBT 61-79 / ELS 111 may enroll in the MBA program but must take the 3 credit hour course “Essentials of Business English."
Master of Science in Accounting (托福88或ELS 112, GMAT 475) 詠瑞留學為ELS代理, 免費代辦 TOEFL ü TOEFL iBT 88 / ELS 112 completion (at least 3.5 or above) certificate from an ELS Language School Intensive Program GMAT ü A GMAT in the 50th percentile or a score of 475 is required
Master of Arts in TESOL (托福80或ELS 112) (雅思5.5很容易考到,洽詠瑞留學) TOEFL ü TOEFL iBT 80 / IELTS 5.5 on each band and 6.0 overall / ELS 112
Law- Juris Doctor (托福100) TOEFL ü iBT 100 ü Students need to take the LSAT. ü No conditional admission with ELS ü Please contact Heidi Puckett at hpuckett@okcu.edu at the law school for more information and go to www.okcu.edu/law
大學部及研究所 Nursing (托福80或ELS 112) TOEFL ü TOEFL iBT 80 / IELTS 5.5 on each band and 6.0 overall / ELS 112 (雅思6.0很容易考到,洽詠瑞留學)
Dance (托福80或ELS 112) TOEFL ü TOEFL iBT 80 / ELS 112 其它大學部及研究所科系(托福80或ELS 112; 托福61-79亦可先入學, 但一年內需重考TOEFL至要求標準或入學後GPA達到要求即可(大學部前24學分GPA 2.75或研究所前15學分GPA 3)) TOEFL ü TOEFL iBT 80 / IELTS 5.5 on each band and 6.0 overall / ELS 112 completion certificate from an ELS Language School Intensive Program. ü TOEFL iBT 61-79 may be admitted provisionally. Their conditional admission will be removed when they have completed 24 credit hours for undergraduates or 15 credit hours for graduates and demonstrated their competence in one of these ways: 1. Retake TOEFL and raise score to the requirement 2. Earn a GPA of 2.75 or above for undergraduates or 3.0 or above for graduates 3. MELAB (The Michigan English Language Assessment Battery) 77 or above. 4. IELTS 5.5 on each band and 6.0 on each band
大一獎學金Freshman Student Scholarships (First-Year Undergraduate Students, 3.0 GPA and above) 大一新生如有SAT且達到標準, 每年最多可拿8,000~22,000美元的獎學金
Petree College of Arts and Sciences, Meinders School of Business and Kramer School of Nursing Departmental Awards (Freshman only)
Undergraduate Transfer Scholarships 大學部轉學生以GPA及TOEFL為標準, 每年最多可拿1,000~12,000美元的獎學金 (Must have TOEFL 80/IELTS 6.0 or above to qualify for transfer scholarship)
International Graduate Scholarships 國際學生研究所獎學金 ☆ GMAT/GRE Scholarship- Awarded on GMAT or GRE Score at Admission (renewable) MBA及MSA(Master of Science in Accounting)以GMAT為標準, 最多可拿15,000美元的獎學金 GMAT (MBA and MSA*) GRE (MBA only) 600> $15,000 ($1,250 per class) 1500-1600 $15,000 ($1,250 per class) 550-599 $12,000 ($1,000 per class) 1300-1499 $12,000 ($1,000 per class) 500-549 $9,000 ($750 per class) 1100-1299 $9,000 ($750 per class) *Scholarships for MSA may not exceed $12,500
☆ Graduate Business Scholarship (MBA, MSA*, MSCS*)- Awarded on Undergraduate GPA at Admission (renewable) MBA, MSA及MSCS(Master of Science in Computer Science)以GPA為標準, 最多可拿12,000美元的獎學金 Cumulative GPA 3.75> $12,000 ($1,000 per class) Cumulative GPA 3.5-3.74 $9,000 ($750 per class) Cumulative GPA 3.25-3.49 $6,000 ($5,00 per class) *Scholarships for MSA may not exceed $10,000. Scholarships for MSCS may not exceed $11,000.
The following Non-Merit Scholarships cannot be combined with any other with the exception of scholarships from the OCU Law School.
☆ Special Scholarship Pricing Program (MBA, MSA, MSCS): MBA, MSA及MSCS可以一次性付清研究所課程的學費, 22000美元, 雜費亦減免(學生保險及停車費除外)
$22,000: One Payment paid prior to beginning any program core course
$24,000: Two Equal Payments of $12,000 (1st Installment: paid prior to beginning any program core course. 2nd Installment: paid at the beginning of enrollment cycle which includes the eighteenth core credit hour.
☆ MA in TESOL TESOL可以一次性付清研究所課程的學費, 21000美元, 雜費亦減免(學生保險及停車費除外)
MA in TESOL: up to $5,000 (TOEFL 630/IELTS 8.5 or above, GPA 3.00)
MA in TESOL: up to $4,000 (TOEFL 600/IELTS 7.5 or above, GPA 3.00)
MA in TESOL: up to $3,000 (TOEFL 575/IELTS 6.5 or above, GPA 3.00)
MA in TESOL: 36 Credit hour flat rate scholarship: $21,000 paid in advance. May not be combined with any other scholarships.
MA in TESOL: Academic Scholarship $1500 per semester up to 3 semesters (GPA of 3.8 or higher. Renewable with GPA of 3.8)
MA in TESOL: Summer Scholarships $1000 for 6-8 credit hours taken in summer I and II together or $500 for 3-5 credit hours taken in summer I and II together (GPA of 3.8 or higher)
申請:請由詠瑞留學免費輔導, 沒托福可以條件式入學 02 2731 6060 info@urwinner.net
訂購詠瑞出版的書籍 認識詠瑞留學 02 2731 6060 info@urwinner.net 地圖
IELTS雅思一對一家教隨時可來詠瑞留學上課, 請洽教學部02 2731 6060 或info@urwinner.net Maggie 或是Connie 或是 Cindy
最好小學六年級開始規劃, 9年級出國, 相關說明洽張詠誠
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申請: 請洽詠瑞留學 02 2731 6060 (還提供您簽證,機票輔導,出發前美語指南等)
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