


1. Cambridge

2. Sheffield

3. London, UCL

4. Cardiff

5. Nottingham

6. Newcastle

7. York

8. Bath

9. Strathclyde

10. Edinburgh

11. Westminster

12. Liverpool

13. Greenwich

14. Lincolnshire & Humberside

15. Oxford Brookes

16. East London

17. Manchester

18. Robert Gordon

19. Queens, Belfast

20. Brighton

21. Kingston

22. Portsmouth

23. Liverpool John Moores

24. Manchester Metropolitan

25. North London

26. Plymouth

27. De Montfort

28. Dundee

29. Leeds Metropolitan

30. South Bank

31. Huddersfield

32. Central England

33. Luton



(都市計畫) Planning

1. Kingston

2. Cardiff

3. Sheffield

4. Liverpool

5. Reading

6. Oxford Brooks

7. Salford

8. Nottingham

9. Newcastle

10. Aberdeen

11. Queens, Belfast

12. Manchester

13. Bristol, West of England

14. South Bank

15. Leeds Metropolitan

16. Sheffield Hallam

17. Dundee

18. Strathclyde

19. Coventry

20. De Montfort



建造 (Building)

1. Reading

2. Ulster

3. Loughborough

4. London, UCL

5. Westminster


7. Kingston

8. Salford

9. Oxford Brookes

10. Heriot-Watt

11. Nottingham Trent

12. Northumbria

13. Liverpool John Moores

14. Plymouth

15. Coventry

16. Greenwich

17. Luton

18. Hertfordshire

19. Liverpool

20. Teesside

21. Napier

22. Leeds Metropolitan

23. Sheffield Hallan

24. Bristol, West of England

25. Derby

26. Wolverhampton

27. Brighton

28. Portsmouth

29. Central Lancashire

30. De Montfort

31. Glamorgan

32. Queens, Belfast

33. Glasgow Caledonian

34. Central England

35. Robert Gordon

36. Anglia

37. Abertay Dundee

38. South Bank

39. Staffordshire

40. Huddersfield



土地管理 (Land & Property Management)

1. Kingston

2. Reading

3. Northumbria

4. Cambridge

5. Liverpool John Moores

6. Greenwich

7. Oxford Brookes

8. City

9. De Montfort

10. Portsmouth

11. Leeds Metropolitan

12. Bristol, West of England

13. Sheffield Hallam

14. Westminster

15. Anglia

16. Staffordshire

17. South Bank

18. Central England

19. Aberdeen




1. Warwick

2. London, Royal Holloway

3. Lancaster

4. Hull

5. Bristol

6. Kent

7. Brunel

8. Reading

9. Exeter

10. Glamorgan

11. Manchester

12. London, Queen Mary

13. Loughborough

14. Birmingham

15. London, Goldsmiths

16. North London

17. Manchester Metropolitan

18. East Anglia

19. Surrey

20. Ulster

21. Bournemouth

22. Staffordshire

23. Sheffield Hallam

24. Aberystwyth

25. Middlesex

26. De Montfort

27. Liverpool John Moores

28. East London

29. Wolverhampton

30. Der y

31. Nottingham Trent

32. Northumbria

33. Huddersfield

34. Herfordshire




1. London, SOAS

2. London, Kings

3. Cambridge

4. Birmingham

5. Nottingham

6. York

7. Sheffield

8. Leeds

9. Keele

10. Lancaster

11. Manchester

12. Southampton

13. Surrey

14. Queens, Belfast

15. City

16. London, Goldsmiths

17. Oxford

18. Edinburgh

19. Sussex

20. Liverpool

21. Durham

22. Bangor

23. Huddersfield

24. Ulster

25. Exeter

26. Glasgow

27. London, Royal Holloway

28. Bristol

29. Central England

30. Cardiff

31. Reading

32. Newcastle

33. Hull

34. Anglia

35. Wolverhampton

36. Middlesex

37. Derby

38. Napier

39. Hertfordshire

40. Oxford Brookes

41. East Anglia

42. Northumbria

43. Tames Valley

44. Kingston

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