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MBA ESSAY 回答範例是一本相當重要的留學申請參考書籍, 同學們在申請MBA入學時, 都會遇到一個問題, 那就是學校會要求申請人回答一些ESSAY題目, 例如申請人的生涯規劃和MBA有何關係? 為什麼要申請該校的MBA? 申請人最大的工作成就是什麼? 這種ESSAY題目可說是千奇百怪, 什麼題目都有, 不相信讀者可以翻一翻本書目錄部分, 筆者為你搜集了從哈佛大學, 史丹佛大學, 西北大學, 賓州大學….到近百名的伊莉諾大學芝加哥校區等的全真 ESSAY題目, 共有好幾百題, 像北卡大學的分析併購案, 柏克萊大學的名句感言等都是相當難回答的題目, 在考GMAT時AWA被歸納成二類, 留學申請讀書計劃及推荐信等範例的書籍筆者也出版過,當然筆者也好心的為讀者整理並分類了申請MBA時的ESSAY題目, 每個學校所出的ESSAY題目儘管不同, 但還是有其相似處與類型,在張詠誠的”出國留學MBA”一書中, 筆者為大家整理出MBA ESSAY的三大類型及十六子型, 並提供解題技巧, 有需要的同學可以向詠瑞留學購買. 本書的重點是在提供真實的回答範例, 這些範例是同學在申請這些學校時所寫, 筆者略加修改整理編輯成書, 當然有的範例太長會刪減, 有的範例太差, 筆者從新寫過或整理過, 筆者希望每一個範例都能達到最佳參考價值. MBA ESSAY回答範例真的是申請MBA的人不可缺少的一本書,儘管本書的範例都來自美國的學校,但是英國及歐洲等的MBA Essay題目也不出這些題目的範圍,在本書的最後筆者也列了一些英國及歐洲MBA Essay的題目以供對照, 不管你是要留學美國, 英國, 歐洲, 或大陸中歐管理學院, 只要申請時要回答ESSAY的MBA課程, 本書都是你最佳參考, 看看別人如何回答, 你的靈感就會泉湧!
為每一本書寫前言似乎是每一位作者必做的一件事,有的出版社會請作者寫,有的則會請名人來寫序或前言,在留學申請界服務這麼多年來,我似乎不但符合作者本人的要求也符合知名度的要求,記得在國外,當一位作者要出版一本書時,該作者或該出版社都會將書籍內容送該領域權威人士先讀過,如果大多數的權威人士都覺的不錯或是這些人士所提改進意見都被作者完成了,那麼這本書才會被出版上市,在台灣的留學界似乎沒有這種專業的建立,筆者服務於這個領域這麼多年, 當然知道問題出在那裡,雖然沒有經過嚴格的學術考驗,但是從以往作者所出的書籍所受到讀者的肯定,我們的認真及努力是有目共睹的!
張詠誠 於詠瑞出版部 (台北市)
ESSAY 目錄 (sample) 本書共搜集及回答了約50所學校的所有題目/在筆者服務此產業16年來,本書是唯一一本此類書籍,是MBA申請人必備參考書籍)
Harvard University 哈佛大學
1. Please describe three different leadership experiences that have been significant for you. Feel free to draw on work, personal, or extracurricular activities. (300 word limit) What did you learn as a result of these experiences? (300 word limit)
2. Recognizing that successful leaders are able to learn from failure, describe a situation in which you failed. (100 word limit) Why did you fail? (200 word limit)
3. Describe a situation when your values and/or beliefs were challenged. What did you do, and why? (300 word limit)
4. Describe your three most substantial accomplishments and explain why you view them as such. (600 word limit)
5. What are your career aspirations and why? How will you get there? (300 word limit)
6. (Optional) Is there any other information that you believe would be helpful to the Board in understanding you better? Please be concise.
(Harvard 2002年Essay)
1. Choose a recent experience in which you acted as a leader. Briefly outline the situation, describe your leadership role, and then explain how you were effective and what you learned. (300-word limit)
2. While recognizing that no day is typical, describe a representative day. (300-word limit)
3. We all experience “defining moments,” Significant events that can have a major impact on or lives. Briefly describe such an event and how it has affected you. (300-word limit)
4. Describe your three most substantial accomplishments and explain why you view them as such. (600-word limit)
5. Describe a setback, disappointment, or occasion of failure that you have experienced. How did you manage the situation, and what did you learn from it? (300-word limit)
6. Why do you wish to pursue an MBA degree from Harvard Business School? What are your career aspirations and Why? (300-word limit)
7. (Optional) Is there any other information that you believe would be helpful to the Board in understanding you better and in considering your application? Please be concise.
Stanford University 史丹佛大學
1. What matters most to you, and why?
2. Given your reasons for earning an MBA degree, what type of alternate preparation might you seek if formal MBA programs did not exist?
3. GMP (suggested length: 500 words) Describe your interest in global management and how you intend to use your GSB/GMP experience to prepare you to manage more effectively in the global environment.
4. PMP (suggested length: 500 words) Describe your interest in public service and how you intend to use your GSB/PMP experience to help prepare you for a leadership role in public service, whether in business, government, or the nonprofit sector.
U. Penn (Wharton) 賓州大學華頓商學院 (長春藤)
1. Please discuss the factors, both professional and personal, influencing the career decisions you have made that, in turn, have led you to your current position. What are your career goals for the future, and why is now the appropriate time to pursue an MBA at the Wharton School? How will you avail yourself of the resources at the Wharton School to achieve these goals?
Describe a situation where leadership and teamwork were critical to the outcome of a project which you were directly involved. What did you learn from the experience and how have you applied what you learned to other situations?(1,000 words)(這一題是2002年新題目)
Describe a personal achievement that has had a significant impact on your life. In addition t recounting this achievement, please analyze how the event has changed your understanding of yourself and how you perceive the world around you.
The Admissions Committee believes the required essay topics address issues that are important in understanding your candidacy for the MBA Program at the Wharton School. If there are extenuating circumstances or concerns affecting your application that you feel the Admissions Committee should be aware of, please elaborate here (e.g., you academic performance as an accurate measure of your potential, unexplained gaps in your experience).
MIT (SLOAN) 麻省理工學院
Question 1: The goal of the Sloan MBA Program is to prepare graduates to be effective and innovative leaders in the global economy. As technology, innovation, globalization, and entrepreneurial opportunity become more important, managers need to understand how to develop new management models and methods and to make them work. Explain how the MIT Sloan MBA Program’s focus on innovation will help you achieve your career goals.
Question 2: Describe a situation where you introduced and/or managed change in an organization. Tell us how you influenced others in an organization (business, school, extracurricular activity) and comment on the professional and/or personal attributes you used to do that and how these attributes (and others) might be important to the attainment of your career goals. How do you expect the Sloan School to further the development of these attributes?
Northwestern (Kellogg) 西北大學
Master of Management (2002年起稱Master of Business Administration) applicants only. Briefly assess your career progress to date. Elaborate on your future career plans and your motivation for pursuing a graduate degree at Kellogg. (one to two pages double-spaced)
Master of Management in Manufacturing applicants only. Briefly assess your career progress to date. How does the MMM program meet your educational needs and career goals? (one to two pages double-spaced)
3. MM-JD applicants only. Briefly assess your career progress to date. How does the MM-JD program meet your educational needs and career goals? (one to two pages double-spaced)
Each of our applicants is unique. Describe how your background, values and non-work-related activities will enhance the experiences of other Kellogg students. (one to two pages double-spaced)
You have been selected as a member of Kellogg Admissions Committee. Please provide a brief evaluative assessment of your file. (one to two pages double-spaced)
Complete three of the following six questions or statements. (two to three paragraphs each)
Through the course of your life, what would you identify as your most valued accomplishment?
Describe a situation in which you provided a solution that met with resistance. How did you address the situation?
People may surprised when they learn that I…..
What personal qualities do you need to develop to become a more effective manger?
Columbia University (Columbia Business School) 哥倫比亞大學
1. What are your career goals? How will an MBA help you achieve these goals? Why are you applying to Columbia Business School? (Limit 1000 words)
2. In reviewing the last five years, describe one or two accomplishments in which you demonstrated leadership. (Limit 500 words)
3. Discuss a non-academic personal failure. In what way were you disappointed in yourself? What did you learn from the experience? (Limit 500 words)
4. (Choose one)
A. Discuss your involvement in a community or extracurricular organization. Include an explanation of how you became involved in the organization, and how you help(ed) the organization meet its goals. (Limited 250 words)
B. Columbia Business School is a diverse environment. Please discuss a life experience of yours that shows how you will contribute to the class. (Limit 250 words)
5. (Optional) Is there any additional information that you wish to provide to the Committee?
Chicago (GSB) 芝加哥大學
1) Why are you seeking an M.B.A. or I.M.B.A. from the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business? What do you hope to experience and contribute? What are your plans and goals after you receive your degree? (All applicants; 750 words maximum)
2) Ten years from now, an alumnus/a from the GSB calls you on the phone. Where will the phone ring, what will you be doing, and what wisdom will you be able to impart to them? (All applicants; 300 words maximum)
3) What are two attributes of your character that make you unique? How do you expect these attributes to make an impact on the GSB and your classmates? (300 words max.)2002新題目
4) If you were to bury five items, to be dug up in 250 years, that best describe you and your accomplishments, what would those items be and why? (All applicants; 300 words maximum)
5) If you could pick three guests for a formal dinner, who would they be and why would you choose them? (300 words max.) 2002新題目
6) If there is further information that you believe would be helpful to the admissions committee, please feel free to provide it. (All applicants)(可不回答)
University of Michigan (BS) 密西根大學
1. What has been your most significant professional achievement? What has been your toughest professional challenge and how did you address it? (500 words)
2. Describe your post-graduation career plans. How will your education, experience, and development to date support those plans? How will an MBA from the University of Michigan Business School help you attain your goals? (500 words)
3. Describe a failure or setback in your life. How did you overcome this setback? What, if anything, would you do differently if confronted with this situation again? (500 words)
4. Answer one of the following:
a. Describe an idea you’ve had for a new business or product or a new service line of an existing entity. (500 words)
b. What’s the most creative solution to a problem or situation you have ever developed? (500 words)
c. What makes work fulfilling? Describe a situation where, as a team member or project leader, you have made work more interesting or enjoyable for your group. (500 words)
5. Optional Questions:
a. Describe an experience or experiences you have had that highlights the value of diversity in a business setting. (500 words)
b. If there is any other information that you believe is important to our assessment of your candidacy, feel free to add it to your application. (500 words) (可不回答或參考其他學校的option回答)
Cornell University (Johnson) 康乃爾大學
1. Why are you seeking an MBA from the Johnson School? What do you hope to experience and contribute here and what are your plans/goals after you receive your degree? What factors have influenced your career decisions to date?
2. Answer one of the following two questions:
a. Describe a recent national or international event that has had a negative effect on the business or economic climate of a particular region of the world. How would you address this issue? What are the implications of your approach?
b. Discuss the impact of technology on your chosen career and how your study at the Johnson School will help you face the challenges and opportunities in the new millennium.
3. Answer one of the following two questions:
a. At the Johnson School we highly value the spirit of entrepreneurship. Review the following George Bernard Shaw quote: “The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want, and, if they cannot find them, make them.” Then describe a professional situation in which your actions were instrumental in crafting the outcome.
b. The Johnson School is well known for its leadership curriculum and for building great business leaders. Please describe your most significant leadership experience. Feel free to draw upon work experiences, extracurricular activities, or your personal interactions in describing a period of formal or informal leadership. Please focus on what caused you to be effective.
4. Optional essay: If there is other information you would like to add regarding your candidacy, please use the optional essay. For instance, if you believe one or more aspects or your application (e.g., undergraduate GPA or test scores) do(es) not accurately reflect your potential for success at the Johnson School and in your chosen career, you may use this essay to explain those circumstances. You may also include background information you would like the admissions committee to take into consideration at it reviews your application. This essay is for clarification purposes only. 可不回答
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