2021 加拿大入境最新規定  2021 09 01

規劃, 申請, 就學, 就業, 定住, 詠瑞留學28年專業,經驗,人脈  台北 02 2361 0300   -  LINE: @pbs7464v; 微信: benuredu   張詠誠






Part 1:加拿大入境流程




1.仍然需要登機前72小時的陰性核酸檢測報告。2.全面取消強制住三晚防疫飯店的規定。3.沒有完成兩劑疫苗的加拿大人,仍然要隔離14天。從9/7開始, 打完兩劑疫苗的國際觀光客,可以來加拿大旅遊。而且,不需要隔離14天。入境人士必須持有實體或數碼疫苗接種紀錄, 並須將紀錄與其他相關資料,上傳至ArriveCAN應用程式,來證明已經完成2劑疫苗接種。
#加拿大 承認4種疫苗: #阿斯利康 #輝瑞 #莫德納 #強生疫苗 。加拿大承認 #混打疫苗 。

大華旅遊官網 https://www.formosacruise.com/


加拿大入境規定: Canada’s Border requirements have changed! 2021 9 7

Canada is planning to reopen its borders to fully vaccinated international travellers on Tuesday, September 7


Beginning at 12:01 am EDT on September 7, 2021, fully vaccinated foreign nationals will be eligible to enter Canada for discretionary (non-essential) reasons, such as tourism; however, these individuals must:

  1. be fully vaccinated: a traveller must have received, and show proof of, the full series of a vaccine — or combination of vaccines —accepted by the Government of Canada at least 14 days prior to entering Canada 
  2. Currently, those vaccines are manufactured by Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, AstraZeneca/COVISHIELD, and Janssen (Johnson & Johnson)
  3. have a valid pre-arrival COVID-19 molecular test result taken no more than 72 hours before their scheduled flight or their arrival at the land border crossing, or a previous positive test result taken between 14 and 180 days before departure to Canada. Antigen tests, often called “rapid tests,” are not accepted
  4. be asymptomatic
  5. submit their mandatory information via ArriveCAN (App or website), including proof of vaccination in English or French and a quarantine plan
  6. be admissible under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act,and
  8. take a test on arrival, if selected


Providing proof of your vaccination

In ArriveCAN, you must provide:

  1. the details of your first dose (date, country and vaccine you received)
  2. the details of your second dose if one was required (i.e., for Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca vaccines)
  3. a photo(s) or PDF file(s) of the record of your vaccination(s), such as receipts or confirmations from the vaccinating organization. These must be in English, French, or a certified translation into English or French.

K-12 programs across Canada will be welcoming students in September 2021. International students planning to come for programs longer than 6 months will need to have a study permit.

The most important updates for our students: 



All travellers, regardless of vaccination status, will still require a pre-entry COVID-19 molecular test result and have a quarantine plan in case border officials determine the students do not meet exemption requirements. However effective September 7, 2021, the Government of Canada is adjusting its post-arrival testing strategy for fully vaccinated travellers. Using a new border testing surveillance program at airports and land border crossings, fully vaccinated travellers will not need a post-arrival test unless they have been randomly selected to complete a Day 1 COVID-19 molecular test. 


There are no changes to the mandatory testing requirements or quarantine requirements for partially/unvaccinated travellers.

Learn more about the Government’s announcement, expanded border opening, and new entry requirements:


Travel Advisory: REMINDER – On September 7, new measures for fully vaccinated international travellers to Canada will come into force - Canada.ca

September 3, 2021 Ottawa, Ontario . As was announced on July 19, the Government of Canada will allow fully vaccinated foreign nationals meeting the conditions to enter Canada for discretionary (non-essential) purposes starting on September 7, 2021. This decision is based on the latest available data, scientific evidence and epidemiological situation both in Canada and internationally.




Study in Canada as an international student - Canada.ca

Apply to study in Canada as an international student, extend your study permit and find out about working while you study or after you graduate. Fully vaccinated foreign nationals will be allowed to enter Canada for discretionary travel on the following dates if they meet specific criteria: August 9 ...






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