加拿大大學申請需知 張詠誠
規劃, 申請, 就學, 就業, 生產, 移民, 詠瑞留學28年專業,經驗,人脈
1. 注意事項: 截止日期, 所需文件, 申請系統或是獨招 , 各科系不同規定 , 可大一指定與美不同, 那一季可入學, 加拿大大學部申請裊複雜繁瑣
2. 所需文件 (Check list) 加拿大大學部申請人應準備文件 加拿大學生簽證最新流程及注意事項2021 2021 加拿大入境最新規定
加拿大大學部申請人應準備文件 (28年經驗詠瑞留學)預約咨詢 台北車站2361 0300 veda.lin@msa.hinet.net
□1. 楓葉卡影本/綠卡影本 (如果有要提供) 國際學生不用
□2. 護照影本(如果要申請美國/加拿大, 英國,澳洲. NZ...)
□3. 9-11年級成績單(英文版)
□4. 12年級上下學期修課表(英文版) 如果成績單太低分可以找詠瑞留學協助 (多種協助方式, 請約一對一咨詢)
□5. Essay (每一所學校要求由詠瑞留學查好之後通知學生
Essay代寫, 翻譯, 修改英文會另外收費 (會先報價, 取得學生同意才進行)
□6. 讀書計劃或是自傳(每一所學校要求由詠瑞留學查好之後通知學生
□7. 推荐信(每一所學校要求由詠瑞留學查好之後通知學生
□8. 面試(每一所學校要求由詠瑞留學查好之後通知學生
□9. 國際學生表格
□10. 財力證明
□11. 作品 (音樂/設計/表演…)
□12. 期中報告
□13. 期末報告
□14. 獎學金
□15. SAT/ACT, SAT II規定
□16. 要不要台灣學測成績
□17. 托福/雅思規定
□18. 保證金
□19. 住宿 (由詠瑞留學協助)
□20. 基本資料表, 填好回傳
□21, 履歷表(範例給學生改,含社團活動, 工作,義工等)
□22. 詠瑞留學還會幫學生查ED, EA, Common, 各校各種申請系統及注意事項
3. 詠瑞留學為學生準備的各校摘要表 範例
George Brown College |
2/1 |
ontariocolleges.ca系統 |
進度追蹤 |
Langara College |
2/28 |
Trent University |
6/1 |
OUAC申請系統 |
Ryerson University |
3/1 |
OUAC申請系統 |
4/1 |
University of Windsor |
3/1 |
OUAC申請系統 |
York University |
2/1 |
OUAC申請系統 |
University of Victoria |
4/30 |
U of Toronto | 3/1 | OUAC申請系統 | |
Kwantlen Polytechnic University | 4/30 | ||
McMaster | |||
Waterloo | |||
UBC | 1/31 | 4,5月時通知結果 |
4. 詠瑞留學為學生準備的各校申請須知及要求範例
1. http://www.ifp.utoronto.ca/ (不同科系的requirement不一樣) 多倫多大學預科 Foundation (IFY)
Name of institutes |
University of Toronto |
Address & phone number |
Admissions and Awards University of Toronto 172 St. George Street Toronto, ON M5R 0A3 |
Program Title |
1. International Foundation Program 2. Biological Sciences (non co-op) – biology (code TUG) |
Tuition |
$25,826 |
Beginning Quarter |
Fall |
Deadlines |
March 1 (線上申請) April 30 (文件寄達) |
Online Application |
OUAC 105F (下面連結) |
Fees |
1. OUAC application service fee $135 2. University of Toronto supplementary fee $90. |
Certificate of Diploma |
Required. |
Transcripts |
Required. |
English Proficiency |
TOEFL (iBT total score of 100 + 22 on Writing) or IELTS (an overall band of 6.5, with no band below 6.0) (code 0982) |
Recommendation Letters |
×1 (from a teacher or counselor) |
1. Financial Statement. 2. 參加入學考試(Joint College Entrance Exam). 3. Prerequisite courses should be presented in the final year. (高中先修課程項目可參考下面連結 – St. George Campus). 4. A high school profile. (optional) |
Online application:
Prerequisite courses:
Name of institutes |
Kwantlen Polytechnic University |
Address & phone number |
Admissions Kwantlen Polytechnic University 12666-72 Avenue Surrey, BC Canada V3W 2M8
Email: admissions@kwantlen.ca Telephone: 604.599.2000 Fax: 604.599.2086 / 604.599.2736 |
Program Title |
Bachelor of Arts - General Studies with a Minor in Mathematics (本校biology沒有學士學位) |
Tuition |
學雜費 $14,686 學雜費 + 生活費約 $23,600 |
Beginning Quarter |
Spring / Summer / Fall |
Deadlines |
Aug 30 / Dec 30 / Apr 30 |
Online Application |
Fees |
$120 |
Transcripts |
Required. |
3.0 |
English Proficiency |
TOEFL iBT 80 or IELTS 6.0 (with a minimum band of 6) |
Recommendation Letters |
1. Financial Statement. (等學校通知再交) |
請記住 your OUAC Reference Number #
WES: ($237)
World Education Services
45 Charles St. East, Suite 700
Toronto, Ontario M4Y 1S2
Name of institutes |
George Brown College (本校詠瑞留學代理免代辦費 02 2361 0300) |
Address & phone number |
成績單寄到: ontariocolleges.ca 60 Corporate Court Guelph, Ontario N1G 5J3 Canada (DO NOT SEND resumes, profiles, and letters of reference or other documents specified in the admissions requirements, to ontariocolleges.ca.)
學校: International Centre George Brown College 200 King Street East, Main Floor Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5A 3W8
Fax: 416-415-2120 (Jeannel Lynn: jlynn@georgebrown.ca ) |
Program Title |
General Arts and Science (一年或兩年,可銜接大學) |
Tuition |
$4900 - $5390 / semester 國際學生如有不同會另查 |
Beginning Quarter |
Fall |
Deadlines |
Feb 1 |
Online Application |
http://www.ontariocolleges.ca/portal/page/portal/ONTCOL/Home |
Fees |
$95 |
Your Application Number: Your Account Number: Remember to write your application number on all documents. |
Transcripts |
Required. (兩份,其中一份送WES查證) |
English Proficiency |
TOEFL iBT 79-80 ot IELTS 6.0 (Use the OCAS institution code of 0211) |
Recommendation Letters |
1. Financial Statement. (等學校通知再交) 2.根據申請的成績和所申請的科系,學校可能會要求申請者進行面試、考試或填寫問卷等。 |
Account Number:
Application Number:
4.http://www.langara.bc.ca/international-education/ie-how-to-apply.html ***
Name of institutes |
Langara College |
Address & phone number |
Admissions, Registrar’s Office Langara College 100 West 49th Avenue Vancouver, B.C. V5Y 2Z6
(Michele McLaurin: ieadmissions@langara.bc.ca ) |
Program Title |
University Quality Alliance (UQA) - Arts and Science 為國際學生開設,可銜接五所大學: |
Tuition |
http://www.langara.bc.ca/university-career-studies/fees/international.html |
Beginning Quarter |
Fall |
Deadlines |
October 1, - April 30, (最好在開學6個月之前) |
Online Application |
表格:http://www.langara.bc.ca/student-services/registrar/media/forms/adm-appfrm.pdf |
Fees |
$155 |
Transcripts |
Required. |
English Proficiency |
TOEFL iBT 80 (18 in Listening, 20 in Reading, 18 in Speaking, and 20 in Writing) or IELTS 6.0 |
Recommendation Letters |
1. Financial Statement. (等學校通知再交) 2.可能會有額外的要求(視科系及申請者成績而定)。 3. When you arrive at the College, you must give the International Education Department a copy of your Study Permit, a copy of the photo page of your passport, and proof of medical insurance. |
5. http://www.trentu.ca/international/overview_staff.php (申請前請先連絡學校contact staff)
Name of institutes |
Trent University |
Address & phone number |
Office of the Registrar Trent University 1600 West Bank Drive Peterborough, ON K9J 7B8 Canada
705-748-1011 ext. 7678 |
Program Title |
Math |
Tuition |
$16,742.58 |
Beginning Quarter |
Fall |
Deadlines |
約June 1 (http://www.trentu.ca/international/howdoiapply_applicationdeadlines.php ) |
Online Application |
OUAC 105F (下面連結) 或直接至Trent University 網站(https://wa1.trentu.ca/t51.web/tip_appl_1.html )申請 |
Fees |
1. OUAC application service fee $135 2. Trent University supplementary fee $90. |
id pw |
Transcripts |
Required. (10th~12th) |
English Proficiency |
TOEFL iBT 86 (code 0896) or IELTS 6.5 with no band below 6.0 (未達標準可用條件式入學,需參加TRENT-ESL: English for University program) |
Recommendation Letters |
1. Financial Statement. (submit online) 2. After we receive your application form, documents and the applicable processing fees, your application will be processed, and you will be assigned a Trent University student number. We usually acknowledge the receipt of application documents by e-mail. The processing time for all applications is usually 3-5 business days. |
Online application: http://webapp.ouac.on.ca/webapp/base.d2w/report?ident=MAIN_DSP&merchant_rn=16230&action_id=choose
Trent Identification Number:
MyTrent (http://www.trentu.ca/mytrent/ ):
6. http://www.ryerson.ca/undergraduate/admission/international/
Name of institutes |
Ryerson University |
Address & phone number |
International Recruitment Office Ryerson University 350 Victoria Street Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5B 2K3
Tel: 416-979-5036 |
Program Title |
Math |
Tuition |
Beginning Quarter |
Fall |
Deadlines |
March 1 |
Online Application |
OUAC 105F (下面連結) |
Fees |
1. OUAC application service fee $135 2. Ryerson University supplementary fee $80. |
Transcripts |
Required. |
English Proficiency |
TOEFL iBT 83-87 (code 0886) or IELTS 6.5 |
Recommendation Letters |
1. Financial Statement. 2. 高中課程要求: (1) English/Anglais (ENG4U/EAE4U preferred) (2) Advanced Functions (MHF4U) (3) Two of: Biology (SBI4U), Chemistry (SCH4U) or Physics (SPH4U) (4) Biology (SBI4U) is strongly recommended for Biology students. 3. Supplement Form. 4. Essay: Outline the reasons you have decided to apply to the program. (Submit申請表後的手續可參考:http://www.ryerson.ca/undergraduate/admission/apply/after/ ) |
Online application: http://webapp.ouac.on.ca/webapp/base.d2w/report?ident=MAIN_DSP&merchant_rn=16230&action_id=choose
7. http://www.kwantlen.bc.ca/apply-inted.html
Name of institutes |
University of the Fraser Valley |
Address & phone number |
UFV International University of the Fraser Valley 33844 King Road Abbotsford, BC, V2S 7M8 CANADA
Phone: +1 604 854 4544 Fax: +1 604 855 7153 E-mail: international@ufv.ca ; Bev.Arcand@ufv.ca |
Program Title |
Biology |
Tuition |
$5,550 per semester,其他需要的費用請參考: http://www.ufv.ca/international/st_prospective/student_fees.htm |
Beginning Quarter |
Fall |
Deadlines |
April 1 |
Online Application |
PDF檔案,請見下面連結 |
Fees |
$150 (匯票) |
Transcripts |
Required. |
English Proficiency |
1. 申請一般入學:TOEFL iBT 88 or IELTS 6.5 with a minimum band score of 6.0. 2. 申請University Foundation Program - combined English upgrading and academic study: TOEFL iBT 61 or IELTS 5.0 3. 條件式入學:英文成績不達上面標準者,須先申請ESL課程。 (code 9736) |
Recommendation Letters |
1. Financial Statement. (學校通知再交) 2. 照片一張(同護照)。 3. Essay: Explaining why you want to study at UFV (100 to 200 words).
*寄出申請表兩週後會收到通知,若被錄取,須先繳學費以保留入學資格。 |
申請表: http://www.ufv.ca/Assets/International+Ed/Application_Forms/Web_International_AppForm.pdf.pdf
Name of institutes |
University of Windsor |
Address & phone number |
送出申請表後,學校會以email通知其他文件應寄送的地址。 University of Windsor 401 Sunset Avenue Windsor, Ontario N9B 3P4
Phone: (519) 253-3000 Toll Free: 1-800-864-2860 |
Program Title |
Mathematics (General and Honours) or Biology |
Tuition |
Beginning Quarter |
Fall |
Deadlines |
March 1 |
Online Application |
OUAC 105F (下面連結) |
Fees |
1. OUAC application service fee $135 2. University of Windsor supplementary fee $50. |
Transcripts |
1. 9th -11th成績單。 2. 12th期中成績(official mid-term results or "predicted grades")。 |
English Proficiency |
TOEFL iBT 83 (with a minimum written score of 20) or IELTS 6.5 |
Recommendation Letters |
1. Financial Statement. (等學校通知再交) |
Online application: http://webapp.ouac.on.ca/webapp/base.d2w/report?ident=MAIN_DSP&merchant_rn=16230&action_id=choose
Person ID:
Name of institutes |
York University |
Address & phone number |
York University Office of Admissions Bennett Centre for Student Services 99 Ian MacDonald Blvd Toronto, ON CANADA M3J 1P3
Tel: 416-736-5000 Fax: 416-736-5536 |
Program Title |
Biology (科系會依學生要求代查) |
Tuition |
Beginning Quarter |
Fall |
Deadlines |
Feb 1 |
Online Application |
OUAC 105F (下面連結) |
Fees |
1. OUAC application service fee $135 2. York University supplementary fee $85. |
Transcripts |
Required. |
English Proficiency |
TOEFL iBT 83 or IELTS 6.5 |
Recommendation Letters |
1. Financial Statement. (等學校通知再交) |
Online application: http://webapp.ouac.on.ca/webapp/base.d2w/report?ident=MAIN_DSP&merchant_rn=16230&action_id=choose
York temporary reference number:
Name of institutes |
University of Victoria |
Address & phone number |
Undergraduate Admissions University of Victoria University Centre (Main Floor) (3800 Finnerty Road) VICTORIA BC V8P 5C2
Tel: 250-721-8121 Fax: 250-721-6225 |
Program Title |
Statistics |
Tuition |
$1028 per credit http://web.uvic.ca/calendar2010/FACS/UnIn/UTanOF/UTexFoLBaE.html |
Beginning Quarter |
Fall |
Deadlines |
Online Application |
PASBC系統 >> University of Victoria (見下面連結) |
Fees |
$100 |
xxxxx (PASBC) hxxxx(University of Victoria) Student Number: xxxx |
Transcripts |
Required. (兩份) |
English Proficiency |
TOEFL iBT 90 (with not less than 20 in any subscores) or IELTS 6.5 (with no subsection less than 6.0) |
Recommendation Letters |
兩份。 |
Required. |
1. Financial Statement. (等學校通知再交) |
PASBC系統:https://portal.bccampus.ca/myProfile.htm?_flowExecutionKey=_c67B7403E-7A41-9F49-94B2-EEB8C203DBCF_k20E587E9-2F7C-A22D-0F9A-A0E62316FCB3 此系統2012年起改為 Applybc 系統 https://applybc.ca
University of Victoria:
https://www.uvic.ca/cas/login?service=https%3a//www.uvic.ca/pls/BAN2P/banuvic.gzcaslib.P_Service_Ticket?target=twbkwbis.P_GenMenu%3fname=homepage11. U of British Columbia
決定科系(例如商, accounting Bachelor of Commerce)
Sauder School of Business, UBC Vancouver
2. 語言要求: 托福Overall score: 90, Reading: 22, Listening: 22, Writing: 21, Speaking: 21 雅思6.5 (6/each) 3. 學術要求: (1)
4. 填線上申請表: 5. 學校收到您申請後會寄一封E-mail 告訴你要寄什麼文件給學校, 你的高中要寄什麼文件到學校也會通知你
![]() |
申請: 詠瑞留學代理美國英國澳洲紐西蘭加拿大眾多大學小學,初中, 高中, 不用代辦費 veda.lin@msa.hinet.net ; ureduagent@gmail.com; Line:@pbs7464v ; skype: benuredu 微信: benuredu 詠瑞留學合作的美國大學, 可以免代辦費, 詠瑞留學合作英國大學名單 (免代辦費) 詠瑞留學合作的加拿大大學免代辦費 詠瑞留學合作的澳洲大學免代辦費 詠瑞留學合作的紐西蘭小學, 中學, 大學及學院都不用代辦費 詠瑞留學合作的美國社區大學 參考名單
更多學校, 代辦時由顧問分享, 詠瑞留學 台北車站 2361 0300 veda.lin@msa.hinet.net 加拿大大學申請28年經驗加拿大學排名 加拿大各大學簡介
英語教學(TESOL/TEFL), 新聞碩士, 傳播碩士, MBA, 會計碩士, 行銷碩士, 財務碩士, 財工碩士等25年代辦經驗, 申請: 請洽詠瑞留學 02 2361 0300 LINE: @pbs7464v 張詠誠 MBA Essay代寫 翻譯及文件修改 MBA Interview課程 (Kaja老師) MBA ESSAY 回答範例 GMAT家教
申請: 詠瑞留學代理美國英國澳洲紐西蘭加拿大眾多大學小學,初中, 高中, 不用代辦費 veda.lin@msa.hinet.net ; ureduagent@gmail.com; Line:@pbs7464v ; skype: benuredu 微信: benuredu 詠瑞留學合作的美國大學, 可以免代辦費, 詠瑞留學合作英國大學名單 (免代辦費) 詠瑞留學合作的加拿大大學免代辦費 詠瑞留學合作的澳洲大學免代辦費 詠瑞留學合作的紐西蘭小學, 中學, 大學及學院都不用代辦費 詠瑞留學合作的美國社區大學 參考名單
實習工作範例 加拿大打工, 加拿大打工遊學, 加拿大企業實習 美國醫科, 牙科,藥學, 物理治療, 眼科, 骨科, 脊骨神經醫學
1998-2021©® UR Edu and Info Co. Ltd.詠瑞留學資訊公司
地圖台北車站補習及辦事處(詠瑞英日語補習班): 台北市忠孝西路一段41號7樓之3
02 2361 0300
TEL:(02)2361 0300 FAX:(02)2361 0090 veda.lin@msa.hinet.net ; ureduagent@gmail.com; Line:@pbs7464v ; skype: benuredu 微信: benuredu