加拿大牙醫申請須知: 加拿大牙醫先修大學課程, 詠瑞留學有合作大學   加拿大牙醫申請須知:

規劃, 申請, 就學, 就業, 定住, 詠瑞留學28年專業,經驗,人脈  台北 02 2361 0300   -  LINE: @pbs7464v; 微信: benuredu   張詠誠

1.      University of Manitoba     2.      Western Ontario University     3.      University of Saskatchewan     加拿大牙醫申請須知:

牙醫先修課程如下 Required pre-dentistry courses

Biology 6 credit units
General Chemistry 3 credit units
Organic Chemistry 3 credit units
General Physics 3 credit units
Biochemistry 3 credit units
Metabolism Biochemistry 3 credit units
Physiology 6 credit units
Microbiology 3 credit units
Nutrition 3 credit units
Social Sciences / Humanities 6 credit units

加拿大牙醫先修大學課程, 詠瑞留學有合作大學

1.      University of Manitoba

2.      Western Ontario University

3.      University of Saskatchewan


(1)   Dental Assistant :只收國內學生, 最快10個月可讀完)

Academic average (50% overall weighting); Personal statement (30% overall weighting); Interview (20% overall weighting)

(2)   International Dental Degree: Dr. of Dental 2年敲`課程, 加拿大人在國外拿到牙醫學位者 AFK考試; Dental Aptitude Test;  IDDP Assessment of Clinical Skills Examination and Interview; $1,250 CAD fee for the IDDP Assessment of Clinical Skills Examination and Interview. interview will be conducted as a traditional panel interview.; English language proficiency; Criminal record check; Immunization requirements

(3)   Bachelor of Science in Dentistry : DMD (Dr. Dental Medicine)學生才可讀 研究型210週暑假完成

(4)   DMD Doctor of Dental Medicine 牙醫師課程 每校收30-50學生


完成大學最少3年牙醫先修後, 接著讀4年牙醫 DMD 課程參考如下

Year 1
Principles of Biomedical Science, Principles & Practice of Dentistry, Application of Dental Research, Oral Histology & Embryology, Operative Dentistry, Dental Materials I, Dental Anatomy & Morphology, Occlusion, Infection Control, Introductory Neuroanatomy, Dental Ethics, Professionalism & Misconduct

Year 2
Oral Radiology, Human Oral Infectious Diseases, Communication Skills, Dental Research, Oral Microbiology, Immunology & Physiology, Orthodontics, Periodontics, Operative Dentistry, Dental Materials II, Pedodontics, Removable Prosthodontics, Fixed Prosthodontics, Diagnosis, Local Anesthesia, Endodontics, Pharmacology

Year 3
Oral Radiology, Orthodontics, Periodontics, Operative Dentistry, Pedodontics, Removable Prosthodontics, Fixed Prosthodontics, Diagnosis, Basic Internal Medicine, Endodontics, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Implant Prosthodontics, Dental Practice Management, Oral Pathology, Communication Skills

Year 4
Oral Radiology, Orthodontics, Periodontics, Operative Dentistry, Pedodontics, Removable Prosthodontics, Fixed Prosthodontics, Health Science Interdisciplinary Relationships, Diagnosis/Oral Medicine, Endodontics, Advanced Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Implant Prosthodontics, Dental Practice Management, Comprehensive Care

學費參考 每年 當州 萬加幣, 非當州() 6萬加幣; 國際學生 12萬加幣 (委多州()不開效國外學生就讀


1. 學術要求: Completion of THREE (3) 30 credit-unit academic years of university level course work towards the requirements of an undergraduate degree. An academic year is defined as TWO standard academic terms consisting of eight (8) consecutive months (September – April).

A cumulative weighted average of 75% over the TWO best academic years of study.

Completion of 39 credit units of required pre-dentistry courses with a minimum overall average of 70%.

Applicants must maintain BOTH of the following conditions for any course work during the year of application: a minimum overall academic average of at least 75% AND a minimum 70% average on any pre-requisite course.


2. Dental Aptitude Test

All applicants are required to take the Dental Aptitude Test (DAT) administered by the Canadian Dental Association.


Results are valid for a period of three (3) years up to November of the year of application. Valid DAT scores for admission for 2023-2024 include the period of February 2020 to November 2022.

If an applicant has taken the DAT more than once, the single best overall score will be used.

Applicants must achieve the following in their best DAT score:


A minimum Academic Average score of 15 and

A minimum Perceptual Ability score of 14 and

A minimum Reading Comprehension score of 14

 Over the past three years, the minimum accepted DAT averages for applicants considered for an interview were as follows:


Saskatchewan residents: 17.33 (2018), 17.00 (2017) 17.67 (2016)

Out of Province applicants: 18.00 (2018), 21.00 (2017) 19.67 (2016)

3. Interview

All eligible applicants seeking admission are required to interview as part of the selection process. Interviews are granted based on the academic average of the applicant’s TWO best years and the best overall DAT score. Courses taken during the application year will NOT be included in academic average calculation.


The interview is conducted using the multiple mini interview (MMI) format. The MMI exposes applicants to a series of stations each 10 minutes in length. Applicants are provided with a question at each station and given two minutes to read the question and prepare an answer. After two minutes, the applicant discusses their response with the interviewer for eight minutes before moving on to the next station.


4. English language proficiency

Applicants whose primary language is not English must present evidence of proficiency in English.


5. Criminal record check

Self-declaration of an adult criminal record is required of all applicants on the application form. Applicants accepted into the program are required to complete and submit a Criminal Record Check with Vulnerable Sector Screening after the date of offer and no later than August 1. There are currently some Canadian provinces that will not license a dentist to practice if they have a criminal record. Applicants are encouraged to contact the respective provincial dental association for further information.


6. Immunization requirements

Successful applicants must comply with the University of Saskatchewan’s policy on immunization, which states that all students attending a Health Science College must provide documented proof of immunization. Immunization records for accepted applicants must be received by the date stated in the letter of offer.


以上資料僅供參考                                                                                           加拿大獸醫系申請需知

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