美國高中教育畢證書課程 GED 滿16歲可以報考, 國中高中休學學生的福音

規劃,申請, 就學, 就業, 定住, 詠瑞留學30年專業,經驗,人脈  台北 02 2361 0300   -  LINE: @pbs7464v; 微信: benuredu   張詠誠

GED: American General Education Diploma     北車天成自學中心 Homeschool 

 科目: 四大科別

語言與閱讀 Language Art & Reading

數學 Mathematics

科學 Science

社會科學 Social Science

通過即取得 美國高中教育畢業證書 GED, 全球認可 (美國教育局 Office of State Superintendent of Education, Washington DC頒發)

美國高中教育證書課程各科考試時間 GED® Test Specifications

The GED® test consists of four content areas:

語言與閱讀 : 150分鐘 Reasoning Through Language Arts (RLA) (150 minutes)

·        Section 1 (27 minutes*)

·        Section 2 (45 minutes)

·        Student Break (10 minutes)

·        Section 3 (60 minutes*)

* The time allotted for sections 1 and 3 may vary slightly, but the total test time will always be 150 minutes.

數學: 115分鐘  Mathematical Reasoning (115 minutes)

·        Part 1 (first 5 test questions) calculator not allowed

·        Part 2 - (remaining 41 test questions) calculator allowed

As of Friday, February 21, 2014, the standard time allowance on the GED® test - Mathematical Reasoning was increased by 25 minutes. The time allowance for GED Ready®- Mathematical Reasoning was also increased by 13 minutes.

科學: Science (90 minutes)

社會科學 Social Studies (70 minutes)

 考試內容為美國高中標準課程 (比台灣的簡單)



o       (1) 考試及格  GED® Passing Score: at or higher than the minimum needed to demonstrate high school equivalency-level skills and abilities

o      (2) 及格且達大學要求 GED® College Ready: demonstrates the skills and abilities needed to enroll in credit-bearing college courses

o      (3) 及格且可能可抵大學學分, 最多可抵10個大學學分 GED® College Ready + Credit: may be eligible for up to 10 hours of college credit


以連續考三次, 如果沒有通過需等60天才可以再考 (因地點而不同)


Tests consist of 7 different item types:

·        Extended response

·        Drag-and-drop

·        Drop-down

·        Fill-in-the-blank

·        Hot spot

·        Multiple choice

·        Short answer

考試方式: 電腦考試 (上機考, 台灣官方考場在台北市基隆路 Pearsons考場); 教學請洽詠瑞留學

美國高中教育證書 GED 成績       Understand what your test-taker’s score on the GED® test or GED Ready® practice test means.



GED® College Ready + Credit (175-200)

Test-taker demonstrates some of the same skills that are taught in college-level courses. Depending on the school or program, a test-taker may be eligible for up to 3 credits in Math, 3 credits in Science, 3 credits in Social Studies, and up to 1 credit in English. 

Likely to Pass (145-200)

Test-taker is ready and should schedule that GED® test subject soon. Readiness predictions are valid for 60 days.

北車天成自學中心 Homeschool 

GED® College Ready (165-174)

Test-taker passed and showed the skills needed to be successful in college or a job (college-and career-readiness level).

Too Close To Call (134-144)

Test-taker may be ready, but should study more before taking the test.

 學生心得分享 (GED課程)

GED® Passing Score (145–164)

Test-taker passed and showed the same skills as a graduating high school senior.

Not Likely to Pass (100–133)

Test-taker needs to study more before taking the test.

 考過GED之後, 如何規劃未來學業(歡迎預約免費咨詢): 1可以報讀美國大學 2 可以讀美國社區大學3 可以讀英國或是澳州大學預科

Below Passing (100-144)

Test-taker did not pass and needs to study more and retake the test.





 詠瑞留學提供高中休學及中輟生四種課程: 歡迎預約咨詢   Line: @pbs7464v   E-mail: veda.lin@msa.hinet.net

1. 美國高中畢業課程(Pre-GED)先修班; 14歲以上可就讀                                     加州大學少年班簡章參考

2. 美國高中畢業課程 (GED): 15歲以上可就讀                                                      紐約州大少年班極度省錢

3. 美國高中畢業課程速成班 (GED Accelerate): 15歲以上可就讀

4. 全球大學分課程 GAC: 16歲以上可就讀 (可抵美英加澳紐簽約大學大一學分)

訂購詠瑞出版的書籍                      留學相關書籍                     留學申請服務                        留學申請服收費                 關於詠瑞(About UR)

   回首頁                更多資訊請上詠瑞網站:       公司簡介/收費    回美國語言課程精選

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veda.lin@msa.hinet.net ; LINE:@pbs7464v ; wechat: benuredu; skype: benuredu

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