Compass 測驗簡介            張詠誠

規劃,申請, 就學, 就業, 定住, 詠瑞留學30年專業,經驗,人脈  台北 02 2361 0300   -  LINE: @pbs7464v; 微信: benuredu   張詠誠

Compass是美國幾乎所有社區大學某些四年制大學未要求SAT/ACT者的新生入學考試, 如果考不好需加上數學及英文課, (加上數學1~2科, 英文2-3科, 這些竿目會在社大上課, 但不能列入畢業學分) 詠瑞留學/詠瑞語文補習班是台灣唯一有上此課程的地方, 也是Compass在台灣官方考試中心, 您可以在詠瑞語文台北車站中心考試或是詠瑞留學東區忠孝復興站中心考試, 如果您要到美國讀社區大學, 強烈建議您儘早到詠瑞留學來上此課程, 以及來詠瑞留學/詠瑞語文考Compass官方線上考試   (詠瑞留學對社區大學學制,轉學,規劃最了解,是您申請美國社區大學最佳選擇  (台北車站) 02 2361 0300  


適合對象: 要到美國就讀社區大學的學生 (就算您托福成績達到學校要求, 還是要考) 社區大學新生入學考

上此課程的好處: (1) 到學校可以通過Compass考試 (2) 不用多上高中英文及數學課程 (3)可馬上就讀大一課程, 加速畢業 (4) 可以省3-12個學分, 以每學分300美元計算, 可以省3萬到11萬台幣,以及省下的時間及住宿費 (5) 在社區大學功課表現會比較好, 二年後轉進名校大學的大三.

Compass Exam 總共考以下四個部分, 所有內容都可以來詠瑞留學上課, 一對一家教隨時可來上課, 如想上班級課程, 請來電留下資料 東區 02 2731 6060  北車 02 2361 0300

(1)數學 Mathematics (數學部分考以下5個範圍) 所有內容都可以來詠瑞留學上課, 一對一家教隨時可來上課

(Averages: Means, Medians, and Modes)


What is the average (arithmetic mean) of 8, 7, 7, 5, 3, 2, and 2?
A.  3
B.  4
C.  4
D.  5
E.  6

(Basic Operations with Decimals)


Ben is making wooden toys for the next arts and crafts sale. Each toy costs Ben $1.80 to make. If he sells the toys for $3.00 each, how many will he have to sell to make a profit of exactly $36.00 ?
A.  12
B.  20
C.  30
D.  60
E.  108

(Basic Operations with Fractions)


How many yards of material from a 24-yard length of cloth remain after 3 pieces, each 3 yards long, and 5 pieces, each 2 yards long, are removed?
A.  2
B.  4
C.  4
D.  10
E.  10



Phillip charged $400 worth of goods on his credit card. On his first bill, he was not charged any interest, and he made a payment of $20. He then charged another $18 worth of goods. On his second bill a month later, he was charged 2% interest on his entire unpaid balance. How much interest was Phillip charged on his second bill?
A.  $8.76
B.  $7.96
C.  $7.60
D.  $7.24
E.  $6.63


1. C

2. C

3. A

4. B

(2)英文閱讀Reading (考以下五種內容)  所有內容都可以來詠瑞留學上課, 一對一家教隨時可來上課

  • Practical Reading
  • Prose Fiction
  • Humanities
  • Social Sciences
  • Natural Sciences


When I'm in New York but feeling lonely for Wyoming I look for the Western movie ads in the subway. But the men I see in those posters with their stern, humorless looks remind me of no one I know in the West. In our earnestness to romanticize the cowboy we've ironically disesteemed his true character. If he's "strong and silent" it's because there's probably no one to talk to. If he "rides away into the sunset" it's because he's been on horseback since four in the morning moving cattle and he's trying, fifteen hours later, to get home to his family. If he's "a rugged individualist" he's also part of a team: ranch work is teamwork and even the glorified open-range cowboys of the 1880s rode up and down the Chisholm Trail in the company of twenty or thirty other riders. It's not toughness but "toughing it out" that counts. In other words, this macho, cultural artifact the cowboy has become is simply a man who possesses resilience, patience, and an instinct for survival. "Cowboys are just like a pile of rocks—everything happens to them. They get climbed on, kicked, rained and snowed on, scuffed up by the wind. Their job is 'just to take it,'" one old-timer told me.

Adapted from Gretel Ehrlich, The Solace of Open Spaces. ©1985 by Gretel Ehrlich.

1.  According to the passage, cowboys are probably "strong and silent" because:
A.  their work leaves them no time for conversation.
B.  they have been cautioned not to complain.
C.  they are stern and humorless.
D.  there is no one nearby to listen to them.
E.  their work makes them too tired to talk.

2.  For which of the following statements does the passage give apparently contradictory evidence?
A.  The cowboy's work takes endurance.
B.  Cowboys work alone.
C.  Cowboys are adequately paid.
D.  The cowboy's image has become romanticized in American culture.
E.  Cowboys think of themselves as humorless.


1. D
2. B


(3)英文寫作技巧Writing Skills  所有內容都可以來詠瑞留學上課, 一對一家教隨時可來上課
  • Punctuation
  • Basic grammar and usage
  • Sentence structure
Rhetorical Skills
  • Strategy
  • Organization
  • Style


Examinees are presented with an essay similar to the one below and are asked to look for errors in grammar, punctuation, usage, and style. When examinees find what they believe to be errors, they move the mouse pointer to the appropriate part of the text and click the mouse. On the right side of the screen five options appear for revising that area of text. Note that the first option is always identical to the original wording in the text, and thus represents a NO CHANGE option. Examinees can choose to revise any section of the essay. After revising the essay, examinees are routed to two items focusing on rhetorical strategies.

The essay below contains the same number and types of errors that an actual Writing Skills Test unit would contain; however, for demonstration purposes, only a handful of the segments below have been selected for revision. These segments are indicated by bold type, and the items associated with them are shown below. (Note: There are additional errors in the essay that are not in bold that a student in an actual testing situation would need to respond to.)

An increasing number of lakes and rivers in the northern United States invaded are being by a mussel no larger than a fingernail.

The zebra mussel probably steamed aboard a transatlantic ship sometime in the mid-1980s from the Caspian Sea into U.S. waters. Despite its growth was explosive, partly because the species was preyed upon by very few native predators in its new environment. As a consequence, the zebra mussels did find a plentiful food supply. They eat huge amounts of phytoplankton, which tiny free-floating sea organisms that dwell in water. Scientists are concerned when the mussels may compete aggressively with other species that depend on the same food supply.

Others concerned by the invading species are industry, public utilities, and boat owners. Zebra mussels cluster in huge colonies, being anchored themselves to any hard surface. These colonies can clog your water intake pipes of electric and water treatment plants. Fishery specialists are currently casting about and baiting their hooks to gun down control methods that will cause the lowest amount of damage to water supplies and other aquatic species. Two of the alternatives exploring are interrupting the species reproductive cycle and finding a bacterium harmful only to zebra mussels.

(End of Essay)

(Basic Grammar and Usage: Ensuring Grammatical Agreement)
Segment 1
      A.  An increasing number of lakes and rivers
B. An increasingly number of lakes and rivers
C. A number increasing of lakes and rivers
D. A number increasingly of lakes and rivers
E. An increasing of lakes and rivers

(Style: Avoiding Redundancy)
Segment 2
  A.  was preyed upon by very few native predators in its new environment.
B.  found very few predators in its new environment.
C.  found very few native predators and was seldom eaten in its new environment.
D.  was preyed on by very few native predator species in its new environment.
E.  was seldom eaten or preyed on by native predator species in its new environment.

(Sentence Structure: Relating Clauses)
Segment 3
  A.  Scientists are concerned when the mussels
B.  Scientists are concerned that if the mussels
C.  Scientists are concerned wherein the mussels
D.  Scientists are concerned that the mussels
E.  Scientists are concerned as if the mussels

(Strategy: Making Decisions about Cohesive Devices)
Item 4 (end-of-passage)
The writer wishes to add a sentence at the end of Paragraph 1 that will serve as a transition between Paragraphs 1 and 2 and will establish the main focus of the essay. Which of the following sentences most effectively fulfills that purpose?
  A.  The zebra mussel will provide a difficult challenge for public utility managers.
B.  The zebra mussel is only the latest in a series of newly introduced species to thrive in the U.S.
C.  No one knows how far south and west the zebra mussel is likely to spread, but scientists think they may be on the trail of important clues.
D.  Although small in size, the zebra mussel may become a huge problem for pleasure boat owners in North American waterways.
E.  Despite its size, however, the zebra mussel may have a dramatic effect on North American waterways.


1. A
2. B
3. D
4. E

(4)英文論文寫作Writing Essay (e-Write) (針對問題寫一篇論說文) 所有內容都可以來詠瑞留學上課, 一對一家教隨時可來上課

範例 A School Board is concerned that the state's requirements for core courses in mathematics, English, science, and social studies may prevent students from taking important elective courses like music, other languages, and vocational education. The School Board would like to encourage more high school students to take elective courses and is considering two proposals. One proposal is to lengthen the school day to provide students with the opportunity to take elective courses. The other proposal is to offer elective courses in the summer. Write a letter to the School Board in which you argue for lengthening the school day or for offering elective courses during the summer, explaining why you think your choice will encourage more students to take elective courses.

開始回答Begin your letter: Dear School Board:

以下是要拿高分的技巧Your response is evaluated according to how well you:

  • Formulate a clear and focused position on the issue in the prompt
  • Support that position with reasons and evidence appropriate to the position taken
  • Focus on concerns of the specified audience (e.g., school board)
  • Develop your argument in a coherent and logical manner
  • Express your ideas using clear, effective language
下是分數低的原因You will receive a lower score for not taking a position on the specified issue, not supporting that position with reasons and evidence, not developing the argument, or not expressing those ideas using clear, effective language.

Compass測驗通常只有通過或是不通過, 如果不通過學校會推荐您要上的數學課及英文課, 這些課程屬於高中課程不能列入社大或是大學畢業學分

如需加強Compass, 請連絡詠瑞留學(忠孝復興)  02 2731 6060  (台北車站) 02 2361 0300 詠瑞留學/詠瑞英語為Compass在台正式考場

詠瑞英語2012各種課程(SAT, SSAT, GRE, GMAT, 托福, 雅思) 歡迎來電咨詢 02 2731 6060     托福進步   托福榮譽榜單


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最近廖老師又創造了四個奇蹟 廖老師的一對一托福及GRE家教在過去二年已經協助數十位學生在一個月內進步十分以上, 而且每週只上6小時或是9小時, 學生花的錢不多但是效果驚人, 如果您托福/GRE考不起來, 如果您需廖老師協助, 

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詠瑞留學 02 2361 0300  -;  LINE: @pbs7464v  ; 微信: benuredu

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