規劃, 申請, 就學, 就業, 生產, 定住, 詠瑞留學28年專業,經驗,人脈 台北 02 2361 0300 LINE: uredu
想進美國前10名或是前20名大學, 您一定要來上此課程, 哈佛大學, 耶魯大學, 普林斯敦大學, 哥倫比亞大學, ....要如何申請才會上, 由過來人為您一一解說, 詠瑞留學每年名校大學申請班,為您邀請到美國 申請最有經驗的留學顧問,來分享如何準備SAT, SAT II, 如何選修 AP課程, 如何填Common Application, 如何準備Interview, 如何請老師寫推荐信,如何寫申請Essay及Resume............名校申請班將帶給您(或是您的小孩)一個全新的了解, 告訴您許許多多申請學校的技巧........詠瑞留學外師 Jason, Steven, 及 Andreana 編修名校申請文件十多年, 經驗豐富, 價錢合理 您更是不能錯過
講師: 資深顧問 張詠誠 (近30年輔導經驗); SAT 名師Steve (助理講師及顧問數名)
適合對象: (1) 在美國讀中學的學生 (2)在台灣讀美國學校或是國際學校的學生 (3)在台灣讀留學班的學生 (4)台灣高中生想申請美國名校大學的高一,高二或是高三學生
上課時間: 暑假期間每週二及週四, 晚上 (共四週)
SAT I Total:
無縫銜接美國大學 講師(2):
High School: Trinity (Louisville, KY; all male preparatory school)
ACT: 3x
SAT:13xx (R+M)
AP classes: Western Civilization (History), Civics, Sociology,
註:詠瑞英日語補習班有調整上課內容及講師的權利, 此課程原則上由講師(1)主講,講師(2)為支援老師,如講師(1)無法出席時代課之 Top college application is a class catered for the students who are interested in applying for admission to top 10/20 American colleges. In the past four years, this class has helped many high school students to get into the top American colleges. This year, UR English/Japanese School is honored to have Amanda Chen, a Middlebury College student, as our lecturer. This is your chance to be a shoo-in candidate. ...............
賀 詠瑞學生林霈2011年1月SAT 2310高分 2200分以上學生數位 賀詠瑞留學代辦生Jeff Lee 2012錄取長春藤名校Dartmouth (張顧問學生) Joyce Chen 2011年錄取UCLA (原就讀學校George School/黃顧問的學生)
1. Please describe what makes you a unique individual and how these qualities can benefit the University. And what about this quality or accomplishment makes you proud and how does it relate to the person you are? (1-1.5 page) 2. Why do these interests make you a good match for our university? (250-700words) 3. Describe a person that has had a profound effect upon your life. (1-1.5 page) 4. Tell us about a book you have read that you found specially challenging, stimulating, or provocative. Explain why it made an impact on you. (500 words) 5. Describe an event or event that has had a profound effect upon your life. (1-1.5 page) 6. Choose one extracurricular activity, work experience or community service project from the list you provided on the application and explain why you initially chose it, why you continued with it, and how you benefited from it. 7. Describe the world you come from - for example, your family, community or school - and tell us how your world has shaped your dreams and aspirations. (250-700words) 8. Describe an experience of cultural difference, positive or negative, you have had or observed. What did you learn from it? (250 words) 9. For your intended area of study, describe an experience where instruction in that area or your personal interaction with an object, image or space effected this type of change in your thinking. What did you do to act upon your new thinking and what have you done to prepare yourself for further study in this area? (250-750words) 10. Are you prepared to enter your intended major at this time? If not, describe your plans for preparing for the major. What led you to choose this major? If you are still undecided, why? What type of career are you most likely to pursue after finishing your education? (750-1000 words) 賀詠瑞留學學生林綺真2011年1月托福109分(Cara老師的學生) 賀詠瑞留學學生吳韓森(國中生)2010年12月托福100分(Cara老師的學生)
申請: 詠瑞留學代理美國英國澳洲紐西蘭加拿大眾多大學小學,初中, 高中, 不用代辦費 veda.lin@msa.hinet.net ; ureduagent@gmail.com; Line:@pbs7464v ; skype: benuredu 微信: benuredu 詠瑞留學合作的美國大學, 可以免代辦費, 詠瑞留學合作英國大學名單 (免代辦費) 詠瑞留學合作的加拿大大學免代辦費 詠瑞留學合作的澳洲大學免代辦費 詠瑞留學合作的紐西蘭小學, 中學, 大學及學院都不用代辦費 詠瑞留學合作的美國社區大學 參考名單
實習工作範例 加拿大打工, 加拿大打工遊學, 加拿大企業實習 美國醫科, 牙科,藥學, 物理治療, 眼科, 骨科, 脊骨神經醫學
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02 2361 0300
TEL:(02)2361 0300 FAX:(02)2361 0090 veda.lin@msa.hinet.net ; ureduagent@gmail.com; Line:@pbs7464v ; skype: benuredu 微信: benuredu