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  • 3. 留學重要文件範例 (張詠誠 著; 詠瑞出版;定價390台幣--最佳留學類暢銷書冠軍)


    讀書計劃,推荐信,自傳,履歷表,  Essay, 作品, Writing Sample等中文範例

  • MBA ESSAY回答範例 (2002年底上市, MBA名校代辦申請人本公司會贈送)

    索取申請表範例Request for Application Form

  • ( 美,英,加,其他)


  • 'RAM Form-向學校要申請表及課程內容範例


    Dear Admission Officer:

    I would like to apply for admission to your institution. After reviewing the following, please send me the appropriate application forms and brochures. Thank you!

    1. Name: (Last) (First)

    2. Sex: 2b. Age: 30

    3a. Address for reply: 3b. Phone:

    Fax: 886 4. Citizen of : Taiwan

    5. Native Language: Mandarin

    6. Expected Date of Entrance: Month: Sept. Year: 1998

    7. Degree Desired: MS/Ph D.

    8. Intended Major:

    9. Schools Attended after completion of the Senior High: Name Location Dates Attended Major Diploma or Degree a. National 9/8-6/8 BA b.

    10. Overall GPA: 3.5

    11. Exams results: TOEFL: Score Date GRE: Score, , Date 10/9

    14. Additional Comments or Questions or Work experience:

    I am ..... my application. Thank you for your assistance.

    Cordially Yours, __________________________________________ Feb. 1, 1998

    ( the sample for UK, Canada, & others will be published in the following editions, Check it out periodically)

    讀書計劃Study Plan or Statement of Purpose)Part I

    Personal Statement

  • Motivation

    In university, I took theater as my major. In addition, I am concerned with the promotion of art activity and improvement of art environment a lot. The course of Art Administration offered me an opportunity to be a producer and made me interested in it. After commencement, I found a job at the Pigeon Postcard Company. It is a French museum art agent in Taiwan. I am in charge of sales management. In addition, before graduation, I have worked at the Public Television Service as a vision supervisor. I had to evaluate TV programs. It offered me a chance to know the operation of a art group and to enhance my judgment about art performance. Recently, several friends and I have been planning to set up a play group. I studied especially hard in organization, fund finding, and program promoting. This study also brought me some problems that led this study. For example, I do not know how to write a good proposal, how to find the best provision in order to find a sponser, how to promote a program and to evaluate a program, and how to match the program with market.


  • Study Plan

    Advisor well understood my aptitude and need. He suggested me that your graduate program is suitable for me. After reviewing courses in your graduate program and your study environment, I felt they are the best. The courses METAD 550, 710, 735, 766, 771, 774, METAH 517, can offer me the knowledge which I need. And I really wnat ot place the theories into practice. So the intern of your school attracts me a lot. I had stayed in Boston for two month. I love that place. .....share some unique points with you.

    For a time, I have decided to take art to be my career. Art is created by human beings and it always shares a close relationship with people. One can create and/or appreciated art work. Thus, my future plan is to promote art activity and to assist performing art group to survive and to offer the best program to people. The result, I hope, will be first, the art can be generally accepted by all citizens and secondly, the artists can have a sound revenue. The artists thus can concentrate on their creativity without paying any attention to money, law, and marketing.


  • Education Background and Activity For the first three years in college, ........courses at fine art departments, and in play writing. My fundamental education includes elementary school, junior high school, and senior high school. For the senior high, I passed the high school entrance exam and with an excellent score, I was admitted by the Kaohsiung Girls Senior High School, the best high school in the southern Taiwan. During the senior high, introduced by teachers, I began to study art. At the same period, I found myself an interest in art. Thus, after graduation, I chose to study at the National Institute of The Arts, the best performing art school, and took major in Theater.


  • Family Background

    My name is Mei-chu Wang, Born on Oct. 27, 1971, in Kaohsiung. I have a harmonic family. Father worked at a plastic company. Mom hosts a charity foundation. They both believe that giving is happier than receiving and pass the faith to kids. I am the oldest and have two brothers. One majored in animal husbandry technology and the other is a computer specialist.


  • Note
  • After commencement, I work as a full-time employee. I did not have too much time for preparing TOEFL. Thus, I did not do very well on the exam. Now, I decide to quit and concentrate on preparation. I believe that I can do better soon. (I will take the TOEFL in May, again.) During college years, I have attended the EF*s homestay program and stayed in US for two months. In addition, during senior high, I studied English with an American. My conversation in English is pretty good. I hope that you will not turn me down because of my TOEFL. I would like to either accept conditional admission or ask you to hold my application file till I get a qualified TOEFL score. If you can not wait for the score please defer my applicaiton to a term, that is to the spring 1998.

    自傳(Autobiograpy, Auto-Record, or Self Statement)Part II


    Since childhood, I have a strong interest in TV. Then, I wondered why a small box could be stuffed in so many things. Along with growth, I got interest in diverse mass communication media. Also, I made up my mind that I want to major in communication. Parents have known my interest for a long time. They never blocked me, and, instead, they offered their wholly support to me. For example, now, they encourage me to study communication abroad. Regarding the economic development and achievement in communication, they suggest me to study at Ohio State University, one of the leading university in the United State of America.

    Honestly speaking, comparing to general senior high students, I am only ranked among top 20 percent. But speaking to my extracurricular activities and leadership, I am proud to say that I am second to none. In six-year mid schoolhood, I attended lots of competitions. Each time I confront it with sincere and bravery. I enjoyed the atmosphere of competition a lot. On the appendix, you will see a brief list of my activities and honors. In addition, I feel that I have a gift and an interest in language and oral expression. This point will be helpful to my study abroad and to my study in communication.

    I always ....near future.

    As long as I ......n something from them in return.

    I love to learn new stuff and enjoy traveling a lot. Through traveling, I can learn about different peoples, things, and cultures. For example, I finished my latest trip to Japan on February 12, 1997.

    I feel that the ..... competition, I will dedicate myself totally to this study.

    Taiwan has a dynamic society and by that it has a great ability in forbearance. Different voices and opinions get a proper place to express. With this kind of spirit, the society is modernized each day. Differentiation demands diverse human resource to make society functional. I am part of the society. After graduation, I will come back Taiwan and make contribution to it.

    The last reason for me to choose to study at your school is to learn a global perspective. New technology makes the world become smaller and smaller. A broad mind and view point is crucial for a successful person. The learning of different cultures can enlarge my view point and also I will get two bonuses. First, I can have a chance to access the most popular international language, English. The other is that I can make friends of different countries.

    Now, I am very excited of this study. And I knew it will be a turning point in my life. I am very willing to study and grow with you. Most importantly, I am confident with my ability, and believe that I will keep your tradition and reputation up.

    Finally, your admission is crucial for this launch. Sincerely wish that you can reach a favorable decision.

    __________________________________ xxx

    履歷表 Part 3?#93;Resume, Job Experience, or Curricullum Vitae) Part III


  • Basic Data

    Name: Address: 4F, 4-1, Taipei, Taiwan R.O.C. TEL: (O) 886- (Fax) 886- (H) 886- Age: Date of Birth: Sex: Female


  • Educational Background

    Institute: Soochow University Major: Minor: Date Attended: Sept. 198x to June 199x Degree Conferred: Bachelor of Art


  • Language Ability and Preparation

    English: Major foreign language, 6 years in mid school and two years in college. Japanese: 3 years studied in college, one year during job training speak and write fluently Cantonese and Taiwanese: speak fluently


  • Employment

    12/1990-Now Affairs Phase I: Position: Responsibility: 1. 2. Phase II: Position: Responsibility:


  • Extracurricular Activities

    4/96 9/95 10/95-3/97 7/93


  • Traveling

    2/93 7/93 (Business Trip) 9/95 (Business Trip) 2/96


  • On Job Training

    8/90-11/90 (Pre-Job Training 9/92-6/93 4/96


  • Certificate

    1. 2.


    書信範例 (Letters)Part 4

    Application Document


    Dear Admission Officer,

    I am an applicant to your graduate ( or undergraduate ) xxx program. I sent all the supporting socuments and application form and fee on xxx(date) to you.

    The documents I sent including the following.

    1. Application form with signature 2. application fee US$ xx 3. Financial Statement and Bank certificate 4. Autobiography and study plan 5. Official Transcript 6. Three letters of recommmendation 7. ......

    Please check them for me. If there is any thing missing please give me a respones, I will send it to you again. By the way, I informed ETS to send you my TOEFL report and (GRE/GMAT) report to you on Jan. 1, 199x. If you did not received them, please also give me a note.

    Yours truly,


    論文範例 Part 5

    報告範例 Part 6

    証書範例 Part 7

    其他範例 Part 8

    Return I-20


    Dear Admission officer:

    I am glad of receiving your admission leter and I-20 form. But for some reason, I can not attend your schol this year. Please give me place to other qualified cadicate. Thank you for your favorable consideration.



    Enclosed: I-20 form

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