詠瑞留學推荐的美國住校中學如下, 這些住校中學也是坊間代辦公司最常推荐給學生的學校,如果您有不同的需求,歡迎您連絡詠瑞留學
例如(1)要華人少的學校,(2) 學費較低的中學, (3)公立高中 (4)才藝高中, 例如美術,音樂,表演等 (5)運動及球類高中 (6)好讀會畢業的中學, 或是其他特殊要求,都歡迎您連絡詠瑞留學協助,22年來我們本著精益求精的宗旨,不斷提供您更多元的產品 規劃, 申請, 就學, 就業, 詠瑞留學25年專業,經驗,人脈 台北 02 2361 0300 - LINE: @pbs7464v
Academy at the Lakes | Co-educational | 7-12 | Yes | Tampa, (Tampa) | Florida | USA |
Antelope Valley Christian School | Co-educational | 7-12 | Yes | Lancaster, (Los Angeles) | California | USA |
Archbishop Riordan High School | All-boys | 9-12 | Yes | San Francisco, (San Francisco) | California | USA |
Army and Navy Academy | All-boys | 7-12 | Yes | Carlsbad, (San Diego) | California | USA |
Ashbury College | Co-educational | 9-12 | Yes | Ottawa, (Ottawa) | Ontario | Canada |
Ben Lippen School | Co-educational | 9-12 | Yes | Columbia, (Columbia) | South Carolina | USA |
Burr and Burton Academy | Co-educational | 9-12 | Yes | Manchester, (Albany) | Vermont | USA |
Camden Catholic High School | Co-educational | 9-12 | Yes | Cherry Hill, (Philadelphia) | New Jersey | USA |
Chapel Hill-Chauncy Hall School | Co-educational | 9-12, PG | Yes | Waltham, (Boston) | Massachusetts | USA |
Dunn School | Co-educational | 8-12 | Yes | Los Olivos, (Santa Barbara) | California | USA |
East Catholic High School | Co-educational | 9-12 | Yes | Manchester, (Hartford) | Connecticut | USA |
Ecole d’Humanité | Co-educational | 9-12 | Yes | Hasliberg Goldern, (Zürich) | Switzerland | |
Erie First Christian Academy | Co-educational | 9-12 | Yes | Erie, (Pittsburgh) | Pennsylvania | USA |
Florida Air Academy | Co-educational | 7-12 | Yes | Melbourne, (Orlando) | Florida | USA |
Foxcroft Academy | Co-educational | 9-12 | Yes | Dover-Foxcroft, (Portand) | Maine | USA |
Fryeburg Academy | Co-educational | 9-12 | Yes | Fryeburg, (Portland) | Maine | USA |
George Stevens Academy | Co-educational | 9-12 | Yes | Blue Hill, (Bangor) | Maine | USA |
Gould Academy Maine | Co-educational | 9-12 | Yes | Bethel, (Portland) | Maine | USA |
Grand River Academy | All-boys | 8-12 | Yes | Austinburg, (Cleveland) | Ohio | USA |
Great Falls Central Catholic High School | Co-educational | 9-12 | Yes | Great Falls | Montana | USA |
Grier School | All-girls | 6-12 | Yes | Tyrone, (Pittsburgh) | Pennsylvania | USA |
High Mowing School | Co-educational | 9-12 | Yes | Wilton, (Manchester) | New Hampshire | USA |
Hyde School - Maine | Co-educational | 9-12, PG | Yes | Bath, (Portland) | Maine | USA |
Hyde School - Woodstock | Co-educational | 9-12, PG | Yes | Woodstock, (Hartford) | Connecticut | USA |
Idyllwild Arts Academy | Co-educational | 9-12, PG | Yes | Idyllwild, (Los Angeles) | California | USA |
Justin-Siena High School | Co-educational | 9-12 | Yes | Napa, (San Francisco) | California | USA |
The Knox School | Co-educational | 7-12, PG | Yes | Long Island, (New York City) | New York | USA |
La Lumiere School | Co-educational | 9-12, PG | Yes | La Porte, (Chicago) | Indiana | USA |
Lake Mary Preparatory School | Co-educational | 8-12 | Yes | Lake Mary, (Orlando) | Florida | USA |
Lee Academy | Co-educational | 9-12, PG | Yes | Lee, (Bangor) | Maine | USA |
Le’man Manhattan Preparatory School | Co-educational | 9-12 | Yes | New York City, (New York City) | New York | USA |
Lincoln Academy | Co-educational | 9-12 | Yes | Newcastle, (Portland) | Maine | USA |
Linden Hall | All-girls | 5-12 | Yes | Lititz, (Philadelphia) | Pennsylvania | USA |
Lowell Whiteman School | Co-educational | 9-12 | Yes | Steamboat Springs, (Denver ) | Colorado | USA |
Lyndon Institute | Co-educational | 9-12 | Yes | Lyndonville, (Burlington) | Vermont | USA |
Maine Central Institute | Co-educational | 9-12 | Yes | Pittsfield, (Bangor) | Maine | USA |
Maine School of Science and Math | Co-educational | 9-12 | Yes | Limestone, (Bangor) | Maine | USA |
Marianapolis Preparatory School | Co-educational | 9-12 | Yes | Thompson, (Boston) | Connecticut | USA |
Marine Military Academy | All-boys | 8-12 | Yes | Harlingen, (Houston) | Texas | USA |
Maui Preparatory Academy | Co-educational | 9-12 | Yes | Lahaina | Hawaii | USA |
Maur Hill – Mount Academy | Co-educational | 9-12 | Yes | Atchison, (Kansas City) | Kansas | USA |
Mercyhurst Preparatory School | Co-educational | 9-12 | Yes | Erie, (Pittsburgh) | Pennsylvania | USA |
Midland School | Co-educational | 9-12 | No | Los Olivos, (Santa Barbara) | California | USA |
Missouri Military Academy | All-boys | 6-12 | Yes | Mexico, (Kansas City) | Missouri | USA |
Montverde Academy | Co-educational | 7-12 | Yes | Montverde, (Orlando) | Florida | USA |
North Broward Preparatory School | Co-educational | 6-12 | Yes | North Broward, (Miami) | Florida | USA |
Northwood School | Co-educational | 9-12, PG | Yes | Lake Placid | New York | USA |
Oakwood Friends School | Co-educational | 9-12 | Yes | Poughkeepsie, (New York City) | New York | USA |
Ojai Valley School | Co-educational | 9-12 | Yes | Ojai, (Los Angeles) | California | USA |
Orme School | Co-educational | 8-11 | Yes | Mayer, (Phoenix) | Arizona | USA |
Perkiomen School | Co-educational | 7-12 | Yes | Pennsburg, (Philadelphia) | Pennsylvania | USA |
The Phelps School | All-boys | 7-12, PG | Yes | Philadelphia, (Philadelphia) | Pennsylvania | USA |
Pope John XXIII High School | Co-educational | 9-12 | Yes | Everett, (Boston) | Massachusetts | USA |
Presentation of Mary Academy | Co-educational | 9-12 | Yes | Methuen, (Boston) | Massachusetts | USA |
Rancho Solano Preparatory Schools | Co-educational | 8-12 | Yes | Glendale, (Phoenix) | Arizona | USA |
Ribét Academy College Prep School | Co-educational | 9-12 | Yes | Los Angeles, (Los Angeles) | California | USA |
Saint Bede Academy | Co-educational | 9-12 | No | Lasalle-Peru, (Chicago) | Illinois | USA |
Saint Paul Lutheran High School | Co-educational | 9-12 | Yes | Concordia, (Kansas City) | Missouri | USA |
Salem Academy | All-girls | 9-12 | Yes | Winston-Salem, (Greensboro) | North Carolina | USA |
South Kent School | All-boys | 9-12, PG | Yes | Kent, (Hartford) | Connecticut | USA |
Squaw Valley Academy | Co-educational | 8-12 | Yes | Olympic Valley, (San Francisco) | California | USA |
St. Andrew’s-Sewanee School | Co-educational | 6-12 | Yes | Sewanee, (Chattanooga) | Tennessee | USA |
St. Bernard’s Catholic School | Co-educational | 8-12 | Yes | Eureka, (San Francisco) | California | USA |
St. Croix Lutheran High School | Co-educational | 6-12 | Yes | West St. Paul, (Minneapolis) | Minnesota | USA |
St. Johnsbury Academy | Co-educational | 9-12 | Yes | St. Johnsbury, (Burlington) | Vermont | USA |
St. Thomas More School | All-boys | 8-12 | Yes | Oakdale, (New Haven) | Connecticut | USA |
Stoneleigh-Burnham School | All-girls | 7-12, PG | Yes | Greenfield, (Springfield) | Massachusetts | USA |
The Storm King School | Co-educational | 8-12, PG | Yes | Cornwall-On-Hudson, (New York City) | New York | USA |
The Village School | Co-educational | 9-12 | Yes | Houston, (Houston) | Texas | USA |
Thornton Academy | Co-educational | 6-12 | Yes | Saco, (Portland) | Maine | USA |
TMI The Episcopal School of Texas | Co-educational | 6-12 | No | San Antonio, (San Antonio) | Texas | USA |
Valley Forge Military Academy | All-boys | 9-12 | Yes | Wayne, (Philadelphia) | Pennsylvania | USA |
Verde Valley School | Co-educational | 9-12 | No | Sedona, (Phoenix) | Arizona | USA |
Wasatch Academy | Co-educational | 8-12 | Yes | Mount Pleasant, (Provo) | Utah | USA |
Washington Academy | Co-educational | 9-12, PG | Yes | East Machias, (Bangor) | Maine | USA |
Wayland Academy | Co-educational | 9-12 | Yes | Beaver Dam, (Madison) | Wisconsin | USA |
West Nottingham Academy | Co-educational | 9-12 | Yes | Colora, (Baltimore) | Maryland | USA |
West Sound Academy | Co-educational | 9-12 | Yes | Poulsbo, (Seattle) | Washington | USA |
Wilbraham & Monson Academy | Co-educational | 9-12 | Yes | Wilbraham, (Boston) | Massachusetts | USA |
Winchendon School | Co-educational | 9-12 | Yes | Winchendon, (Boston) | Massachusetts | USA |
Windermere Prep School | Co-educational | 8-12 | Yes | Windermere, (Orlando) | Florida | USA |
Woodstock Academy | Co-educational | 9-12 | Yes | Woodstock, (Boston) | Connecticut | USA |
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規劃, 申請, 就學, 就業, 詠瑞留學25年專業,經驗,人脈 台北 02 2361 0300 - LINE: @pbs7464v
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