澳洲公立中學精選方案, 雪梨,布里斯本, 阿德雷德,墨爾本,黃金海岸.... 詠瑞留學免代辦費

規劃, 申請, 就學, 就業, 生產, 詠瑞留學25年專業,經驗,人脈  台北 02 2361 0300   -  LINE: @pbs7464v; 微信: benuredu 

Australia High Schools, by Province                  
2018 Price List in Australian Dollar費用:澳幣                  
Please refer to Price Terms & Conditions Below - update 04/10/2017
Private / Public School Program State Region Number of Schools Available


Academic Year


Nine Month Term


Six Month Term


  省份 都會區   Package Price*


Tuition only**


Package Price* Tuition only** Package Price* Tuition only**
Public School District公立中學學區                  
New South Wales Government Schools**** 新南威爾斯省New South Wales 雪梨都會區

Metropolitan Sydney

20 $32,230 $15,200 $24,830 $11,400 $16,230 $7,600
New South Wales Government Schools**** New South Wales Regional New South Wales 10 $30,830 $13,800 $23,780 $10,350 $15,530 $6,900
Queensland Government Schools 昆士蘭


Metropolitan Areas: Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Cairns 60 $31,577 $15,640 $24,745 $12,312 $15,969 $8,208
Queensland Government Schools Queensland Regional Areas - Throughout Queensland 25 $24,713 $11,428 N/A N/A $12,555 $6,018
South Australian Government Schools 南澳

South Australia

Metropolitan Adelaide 36 $29,065 $12,300 $22,479 $9,225 $14,773 $6,460
South Australian Government Schools South Australia Regional South Australia 9 $27,165 $12,300 $20,959 $9,225 $13,423 $5,303
Victorian Government Schools 維多利亞


Metropolitan Melbourne - Regional Areas of Victoria 40 $31,595 $14,800 $25,195 $12,000 $16,395 $8,000
Private Schools 私立高中                  
All Saints Anglican College Queensland Gold Coast 1 $39,395 $21,100 N/A N/A $20,370 $10,550
Canterbury College Queensland Gold Coast 1 $40,985 $21,072 $31,945 $15,804 $21,555 $10,536
Fraser Coast Anglican College Queensland Hervey Bay (Sunshine Coast) 1 $38,130 $23,000 $29,170 $17,250 $19,250 $11,500
Immanuel College South Australia Adelaide 1 $39,995 $23,690 $30,720 $17,770 $20,315 $11,845
Mercedes College South Australia Adelaide 1 $39,995 $23,690 $30,720 $17,770 $20,315 $11,845
All fees are in Australian Dollars                  
*Package price includes:費用含學費寄宿家庭                  
Provider related costs and services: Admin fees, Tuition, Homestay accommodation (Half board, single room), Health Insurance, Guardianship, Airport transfer, 24/7 student support by School
Exclusive services: Personal help for finding the perfect school (School counselling), Australia based support person for Emergency cases during office hours
Costs do not include:費用不含                  
Visa fee, Personal expenses, Lunch at school canteen, Possible supplemental fees for special subjects/activities, School Uniform (where applicable), Change of Homestay, Flights
***Additional Fees are subject to the individual school. There might be fees still be applicable even though they are not listed here.
**** only available for students from Europe                  
- The following Cancellation Policy will apply for all applications unless otherwise agreed by AGENT and EDUCATIUS:
- Student cancels after application but before via documents are issued: 
application fee is kept by Educatius
- Student cancels after visa documents are issued but before visa is issued: 
25% of program fee + application fee is kept by Educatius
- Student cancels after visa is obtained but before arrival: 
50% of program fee + application fee is kept by Educatius
- Student cancels because he/she is denied a visa: application fee is kept by Educatius
- Student cancels after having arrived on program: refunds are calculated on a case by case basis. Educatius will keep a minimum of 50% in each case.
  國中/初中畢業到澳洲讀中學,便宜,公立,離台灣/大陸近,天氣佳 詠瑞留學也有協助學生到日本及韓國讀中學哦 歡迎預約咨詢          

申請: 由詠瑞留學代辦  免代辦費  LINE: @pbs7464v; 微信: benuredu                  


西班牙馬德里歐洲大學(牙醫)  日本醫科.牙科規劃    澳洲國高中/寄宿中學申請區

美國牙醫學院申請須知及注意事項                         生物/化學/基礎研究                美國醫學院申請要求           美國註冊護士RN與執照護士LPN的比較

美國藥學系申請需知, 申請總整理, Pharm. D., MS, Ph.D. 

申請美國物理治療課程Physical Therapy 大學部必修課程


國,加拿大,英國, 澳洲,紐西蘭,國小,國中,高中, 大學,研究所,博士班,語言課程申請, 25年經驗, 請您儘早來詠瑞留學找張詠誠先生做留學規劃,  (方向重於努力,規劃可以改變未來,我們已幫無數學生達成夢想) 中學生出國留學最好小學六年級開始規劃, 9年級出國, 相關說明洽張詠誠
做了25年了我們能給您最好的建議, 希望能有機會協助您出國留學, 如果您想在台灣修國外學位我們也能協助, 如果您想用關說進某些名校我們也能協助, 其他特殊入學申請或取得文憑方式也可協助您;我們給您不同的想法與建議  方向重於努力,規劃可以改變未來,我們已幫無數學生達成夢想

申請: 請洽詠瑞留學 02 2361 03000(還提供您簽證,機票輔導,出發前美語指南等)   精美英文簡章請洽詠瑞留學索取 

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 9 大專院校講師博士班     10  一年學士班(二專生/五專生特別課程)  11 基督書院/學院留學申請/MBA免GMAT  12 偉恩州立大學英語教學  13 條件式申請 (免TOEFL/GRE/GMAT/SAT)

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