聖約翰寄宿中學 St. John's-Ravenscourt School


曼尼托巴省首都溫尼伯,是加拿大一所知名寄宿中學St. John's-Ravencourt School

St. John's-Ravenscourt School (SJR)是加拿大首屈一指、專為大學課程作預備之寄宿暨日間獨立中學。此校提供八至十二年級之男女合校寄宿課程,課程採小班制教學,每班平均人數為十八至二十名學生,以確保個人化的學習。成立於1820年的SJR,擁有十八位羅德學者獎得主、無以計數的世界辯論冠軍、以及三位國際奧林匹克數學競賽優勝者。欲知更多此校資訊,請洽詠瑞留學索取簡章或請瀏覽學校網站: www.sjr.mb.ca (名校搖籃)

學校地址: 400 South Drive Winnipeg, MB Canada R3T 3K5



Acadia University
Brock University
Carleton University
Dalhousie University
Huron University College
McGill University
McMaster University
Mount Allison University
Queen’s University
Simon Fraser University
Royal Military College of Canada
Ryerson University
University of Alberta
University of British Columbia
University of Calgary
University of King’s College
University of Manitoba
University of New Brunswick
University of Ottawa
University of Toronto
University of Victoria

University of Waterloo

University of Western Ontario
University of Winnipeg
Wilfrid Laurier University


Brown University
Berklee College of Music
Cornell University
Emory University
Harvard University 
State University of New York (SUNY)
University of Pennsylvania
University of Washington at Seattle
Yale University


Albert Ludwigs University — Germany
Edinburgh University — Scotland
Tecnológico de Monterrey — Mexico
Oxford University — England



吃住加學費/年(加幣)BOARDING STUDENTS (GRADES 8-12)  1加幣-30台幣
Manitoba Residents $27,140 $8142 $2268/month $28,554
Non-Manitoba Residents $30,900 $9270 $2582/month $32,508
International Residents ** $35,910 N/A N/A N/A


1] 申請表 (詠瑞留學會代填)Complete the application form.
2] 申請費Include the $100 CDN non-refundable application fee (per application)
3] 最近2年在校成績單Include copies of the student’s two most recent academic reports
4] 老師推荐信Boarding applicants are required to include a completed teacher evaluation form

5] 將這些文件寄到詠瑞留學 台北市(大安區)復興南路一段1374F-1

6]未加快申請作業,建議您先將學生的成績單(英文)傳真或E-mail給我們 fax: 02 2731 4412  E--mail: veda.lin@msa.hinet.net 我們會先傳真給學校作業或預審

*國際學生英文需有中等程度 (可來詠瑞留學考SLEP/EPT/Michigan Test)


開課日: 每年9月 (如果想在學期中或春季入學,請先連絡詠瑞留學代為詢問)

申請:請洽詠詠瑞留學 02 2731 6060 veda.lin@msa.hinet.net


Grade 09

Grade 10

Grade 11

Grade 12

Required: All students must

Required: All students must take

Required: All students must

Required: All students must take

take the following courses:

the following courses:

take the following courses:

the following courses:

 Canadian Studies 10G

 English 20F

 English: Literary Focus 30S

English: Literary Focus 40S 1

 English 10F French 10G

 Geographic Issues 20F Physical Education 20F

 Canadian History 30S Pre-Calculus 30S

English: Lang. & Literary Forms 40S 1

 Mathematics 10F

 Pre-Calculus 20S

or Pre-Calculus 40S

Pre-Calculus 40S

 Physical Education 10F

 Science 20F

 Healthy Active Lifestyles 30F

Healthy Active Lifestyles 40F

 Science 10F


One science:




 Biology 30S or




 AP Biology 32S




 Chemistry 30S or




 AP Chemistry 32S




 Physics 30S or




 AP Physics 32S


Electives: All students must take

Electives: All students must

Electives: All students must

Electives: All students must take

TWO of the following:

choose THREE electives; TWO


a minimum of THREE additional


from Group A and ONE from

other subjects selected from:

full courses selected from:

Applying Information &

Group B:

 Biology 30S

 Biology 40S

Communication Technology I 15F & II 15F Communications 11G (Drama & Debating) Music 10G Visual Arts 10G

Group A: American History 20G French 20G Music 20G Introductory Spanish 20G Group B: Debating 21G Drama 20G Visual Arts 20G Web Design 25S/Digital Pictures 25S

or AP Biology 32S Chemistry 30S or AP Chemistry 32S Computers: 2D Animation 25S/Digital Film Making 25S Computer Science 30S Dramatic Arts 30S (Tentative) French 30S Geography 40S Law 40S Music 30S

 AP Biology 42S AP Calculus 42S Chemistry 40S or AP Chemistry 42S Computer Science 40S Dramatic Arts 30S (Tentative) Economics 40S AP European History 42S AP French 42S AP US History 42S (Tentative) Geography 40S Law 40S



 Physics 30S or AP Physics 32S Spanish 30S Visual Arts 30S

 Music 40S Physics 40S or AP Physics 42S AP Psychology 42S




 Spanish 40S




 Visual Arts 40S




 World Issues 40S

Additional 0.5 elective:




Calculus 45S (0.5) 4

U of M – ½ courses:




Calculus 150 2




Linear Algebra 130 2

8 Potential Credits 3

8 Potential Credits 3

7.0 Potential Credits 3

7 - 7.5 Potential Credits 3

申請及簡章索取:請洽詠詠瑞留學 02 2731 6060 veda.lin@msa.hinet.net

國高中申請人可參加詠瑞留學開設的TOEFL班及SSAT班(加強英文及數學,如需其他科目之加強,也可安排,請洽教學部主任 02 2731 6060 分機14

TOEFL(托福考試)8週學標準課表及費用  GRE8週精修班課表及費用  SAT8週精修班課表及費用  SSAT8週精修班課表及費用

 美國寄宿中學(6-12年級)名校精選簡介      SSAT報名流程及考試需知       2008暑假SSAT班(2009寄宿中學申請人)    詠瑞英文家教班補習班補不起來者或不想上補習班者


留學申請及規劃: 請洽詠瑞留學 02 2731 6060 (代辦還提供您簽證,機票輔導,出發前美語指南等)   精美英文簡章請洽詠瑞留學索取  詠瑞英文家教班 (台政大及美籍名師)   詠瑞留學與其他留學顧問公司之比較                 詠瑞徵才        新英格蘭英語學校(NESE)波士頓(口碑名校)

訂購詠瑞出版的書籍                      留學相關書籍                     留學申請服務                        留學申請服收費                 關於詠瑞(About UR)

   回首頁                更多資訊請上詠瑞網站:       公司簡介/收費    美國語言課程精選

UR Edu and Info Co. Ltd.詠瑞留學資訊公司 地址/經濟部登記合法留學公司
台北市復興南路一段1374F-1 (忠孝東路/復興南路口/一樓為華南銀行)

886 2 2731 6060

886 2 2731 4412 fax


回首頁: www.urwinner.net   


1美國申請區 2英國申請區 3澳洲及紐西蘭 4加拿大申請區 5專科直攻碩士 6遊學及語言課程 7 國中及高中申請 (含寄宿中學) 8MBA申請


 9 大專院校講師博士班     10  一年學士班(二專生/五專生特別課程)  11 基督書院/學院留學申請/MBA免GMAT  12 偉恩州立大學英語教學  13 條件式申請 (TOEFL/GRE/GMAT/SAT)國際教育中的百貨公司