規劃,申請, 就學, 就業, 定住, 詠瑞留學30年專業,經驗,人脈 台北 02 2361 0300 - LINE: @pbs7464v; 微信: benuredu 張詠誠
蒙特利中學 (近聖荷西)
Yearly Rates (must be paid in full before an I-20 will
be issued)
+吃住 52000美元/年
Entrance Fee $500.00
Additional Fees $1,350.00
Refundable Room & Key Deposit $100.00
45分鐘到San Jose, 60分鐘到舊金山
學校有提供AP課程, 開飛機(PPL, 課程免費開飛機約600美元/小時), 機器人, 沖浪, 潛水, 海洋生物, 科學, 醫學相關強, 學校有飛機跑道, 有馬場可以海边騎馬(另付費)
1. 英文老師英文能力評鑑信
2. TOEFL 500 (ibt 61) (32-61要上ESL)不另外收費 1月, 8月 二次入學
3. 監護人a guardian (older than 25) on the U.S. mainland. MBA recommends that the guardian live in
phone number of the
4. 成績單 An official copy of the student’s transcript of school credits for grades
9 and up must be sent to MBA by the school in a SEALED ENVELOPE.
5. 保險及體檢Medical: “A current immunization record including
baby records and also a T.B. skin test (P.P.D.) result (done within one year
prior to admission) must be sent to MBA.”
The physical exam form must be completed
by a physician and sent to MBA.
6. 推荐信Reference forms will need to be completed
and returned to MBA. These forms must be filled out by an English teacher,
administrator at the student’s current school,
and a Seventh-day Adventist pastor.
7. 學生必須是基督復臨教派或相關人士Prospective students must be either a
Seventh-day Adventist, have attended a Seventh-day Adventist school or have a
Seventh-day Adventist connection. Since MBA is a Seventh-day Adventist school,
we require a personal interview of any student who is not a Seventh-day
Adventist. Experience has taught MBA that only when
a student is familiar with MBA’s expectations and feels supportive of MBA’s standards; the
student then has a successful spiritual, social and
academic experience at
confidential evaluation form.
8. 申請表It is important that the application be
filled out completely. A student will be considered for acceptance after the
above items have been received.
9. 申請截止日 6/30 & 11/1 (Spring)
a. 文件要齊全.
b. 學生要有入取.
c. international student fees 要有繳
This program is for students who need to
improve their English skills to a level that will make them proficient in the
mainstream classroom. No academic credit is offered
for the program, except a possible 10
elective credits. However, students will be placed into the academic-for-credit
program as soon as they are ready. Entrance to the
academic program must be made at the quarter
breaks. Since some classes are hyphenated (one must have knowledge of course
content previously covered, to succeed
with future course content), late admission
into these classes is very limited. Normally, a student should plan to be in
this program for one year before entering into the
academic-for-credit program. Students in the program will be
assigned to regular classes as they are able, i.e. P.E., math, industrial
technology, and fine arts.
(ibt32分)才可被錄取 A student must have a TOEFL test score of at least 400 to
be admitted to MBA. Students whose TOEFL test score is below 450 should be in
the ESL program. To graduate
from MBA, a student must have a TOEFL test
score of 525-550.
Application Students interested in the ESL program
should submit a request for the program at the time of application. Any student
who demonstrates that they do not have the necessary
English skills to succeed in the regular
classroom may be, at the request of the administration, transferred into the
ESL program. Since enrollment in the program
is limited, early requests for the program
are required.
在詠瑞留學考SLEP也可以替代TOEFL托福成績*MBA will accept a SLEP score of 50
Symphonic Band
Oceanaires (select choral ensemble)
Westwinds (select instrumental ensemble)
Individual music lessons
Impressions (drama)
Art (practicum and history)
本校被下列二機構認可the Western Association of Schools and Colleges and by the Adventist Accreditation Association.畢業生100%進入4年制大學(升學率100%)
相關申請請洽詠瑞留學輔導 02 23610300
申請文件: 申請表,推荐信,成績單,體檢表,SSAT,托福等,申請前請連絡詠瑞留學 02 2731 6060 veda.lin@msa.hinet.net 有專人會為您服務,
外縣市申請人可以將申請文件寄給詠瑞留學, 郵寄前請打電話給我們核對文件.
暑假英語夏令營總覽請由此進入 2007美國加拿大國高中及寄宿中學申請指南(新書) SSAT最新參考書
SSAT報名流程及考試需知 暑假SSAT班(寄宿中學申請人)
申請: 請洽詠瑞留學 02 2731 6060 (免代辦費還提供您簽證,機票輔導,出發前美語指南等)
關於詠瑞(About UR)
更多資訊請上詠瑞網站: 公司簡介/收費 回美國語言課程精選
UR Edu and Info Co. Ltd.詠瑞留學資訊公司 地址/經濟部登記合法留學公司
886 2 2731 6060
886 2 2731 4412 fax
回首頁: www.urwinner.net
2英國申請區 3澳洲及紐西蘭 4加拿大申請區
5專科直攻碩士 6遊學及語言課程 7 國中及高中申請 (含寄宿中學) 8MBA申請 9 大專院校講師博士班
10 一年學士班(二專生/五專生特別課程)
11 基督書院/學院留學申請/MBA免GMAT
12 偉恩州立大學英語教學 13 條件式申請 (免TOEFL/GRE/GMAT/SAT)國際教育中的百貨公司 |