林登中學 Lynden Christian Schools

  LYNDEN CAMPUS: Preschool  |  Kindergarten  |  Elementary School  |  Middle School  |  High School



年級: 幼稚園~12年級 (男/女)國際學生8-12

招生對象: 基督教徒子女或是對基督教信仰有興趣的人

申請資格: (1)在校成績"c"以上

(2)有自律性(Self Discipline)

(3)有先後觀念及執行力 ability to establish priorities and carry them through

(3)成熟,能適應環境 Emotional maturity needed to adjust to a new language and culture

(4)守校規 Willingness to abide by the school code and United States laws.

申請截止日: 5月 秋季入學 ;10月春季入學 (或開學前3個月;台灣區申請人請由詠瑞留學輔導 02 2731 6060 info@urwinner.net )

標準申請程序(洽詠瑞留學02 2731 6060):

The forms below are available in PDF format: Application Forms.


  1. Completed International Student Application with signatures


  2. Signed International Parent-Student Participation Agreement


  3. Original plus officially translated copies of transcripts and/or report cards

  4. Signed Financial Responsibility Agreement


  5. Completed Home-stay Information


  6. Signed International Student Home-stay Agreement


  7. Copy of Passport (identification page)


  8. Application Fee ($300.00) payable to: Lynden Christian School


  9. Student's Spiritual Life Form


  10. International Student Emergency Numbers form


  11. Certificate of Immunization Status School policy and state law require proof of immunization. The Certificate of Immunization must be completed and signed by a medical professional and returned with all application materials.


  12. Proof of Medical Insurance (copy of card or policy number) or request to purchase medical insurance through school (See application form)

本校各項費用:(2008年, 查新年度,請由詠瑞留學代辦及代查)


申請費Application Fee $300.00 (one time only)
學費2007-2008 Tuition $8,050.00
保險費Medical Insurance $600.00 (or proof of insurance from home)
英文加強費English as a Second Language Training (ESL) $500.00 per semester until tested out
租書費Textbook Lease $100.00
學生證ASB (Student I.D. Card) $51.00
住宿家庭費Host Family Fee(分2學期繳/住在基督教家庭) $6,000.00 ($3,000.00 paid to the host family, beginning of each semester.)


Fall Sports:
Cross Country, Girls Soccer, Football, Girls Volleyball, and Cheerleading

Winter Sports:
Boys and Girls Basketball, Cheerleading

Spring Sports:
Boys Baseball, Girls Fastpitch, Track, and Boys Soccer

Yearlong Activities:
Band/Pep Band, Choir, Drama, Orchestra, Yearbook, Hi Lite (school newspaper), and Student government


最新資料請參考詠瑞出版 2009美國加拿大國高中及寄宿中學申請指南 (本書1~2年定期更新/洽全國各大書局)

美國國高中/寄宿中學申請區        2007美國加拿大國高中及寄宿中學申請指南(新書)     台北市復興南路一段1374F-1

國高中及寄宿中學申請,請洽詠瑞留學,最多資訊,排名資料最詳盡,收費最便宜 02 2731 6060 張顧問 或王顧問  info@urwinner.net      www.urwinner.net

美國私立及寄宿中學申請, 請洽詠瑞留學,專業,資深,便宜,快速,服務好  02 2731 6060 張顧問 或王顧問  (選地點,選排名,選學費,或是選會不會畢業:詠瑞留學都可以滿足您的需求)


  訂購詠瑞出版的書籍      留學相關書籍    2008美國寄宿中學(國高中)排名     美國寄宿中學(6-12年級)名校精選簡介   SSAT最新參考書


   回首頁                更多資訊請上詠瑞網站:       公司簡介/收費    回美國語言課程精選

UR Edu and Info Co. Ltd.詠瑞留學資訊公司 地址/經濟部登記合法留學公司
台北市復興南路一段1374F-1 (忠孝東路/復興南路口/一樓為華南銀行)地址
886 2 2731 6060

886 2 2731 4412 fax


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