LYNDEN CAMPUS: Preschool | Kindergarten | Elementary School | Middle School | High School
年級: 幼稚園~12年級 (男/女)國際學生8-12
招生對象: 基督教徒子女或是對基督教信仰有興趣的人
申請資格: (1)在校成績"c"以上
(2)有自律性(Self Discipline)
(3)有先後觀念及執行力 ability to establish priorities and carry them through
(3)成熟,能適應環境 Emotional maturity needed to adjust to a new language and culture
(4)守校規 Willingness to abide by the school code and United States laws.
申請截止日: 5月 秋季入學 ;10月春季入學 (或開學前3個月;台灣區申請人請由詠瑞留學輔導 02 2731 6060 )
標準申請程序(洽詠瑞留學02 2731 6060):
The forms below are available in PDF format: Application Forms.
本校各項費用:(2008年, 查新年度,請由詠瑞留學代辦及代查)
申請費Application Fee | $300.00 (one time only) |
學費2007-2008 Tuition | $8,050.00 |
保險費Medical Insurance | $600.00 (or proof of insurance from home) |
英文加強費English as a Second Language Training (ESL) | $500.00 per semester until tested out |
租書費Textbook Lease | $100.00 |
學生證ASB (Student I.D. Card) | $51.00 |
住宿家庭費Host Family Fee(分2學期繳/住在基督教家庭) | $6,000.00 ($3,000.00 paid to the host family, beginning of each semester.) |
Fall Sports:
Cross Country, Girls Soccer, Football, Girls Volleyball, and Cheerleading
Winter Sports:
Boys and Girls Basketball, Cheerleading
Spring Sports:
Boys Baseball, Girls Fastpitch, Track, and Boys Soccer
Yearlong Activities:
Band/Pep Band, Choir, Drama, Orchestra, Yearbook, Hi Lite (school
newspaper), and Student government
最新資料請參考詠瑞出版 2009美國加拿大國高中及寄宿中學申請指南 (本書1~2年定期更新/洽全國各大書局)
美國國高中/寄宿中學申請區 2007美國加拿大國高中及寄宿中學申請指南(新書) 台北市復興南路一段137號4F-1
國高中及寄宿中學申請,請洽詠瑞留學,最多資訊,排名資料最詳盡,收費最便宜 02 2731 6060 張顧問 或王顧問
美國私立及寄宿中學申請, 請洽詠瑞留學,專業,資深,便宜,快速,服務好 02 2731 6060 張顧問 或王顧問 (選地點,選排名,選學費,或是選會不會畢業:詠瑞留學都可以滿足您的需求)