免費諮詢預約專線(02)2731 6060




1. Cambridge

2. Oxford

3. London, Imperial

4. Durham

5. Southampton

6. Warwick

7. Lancaster

8. Brunel

9. Ulster

10. Leicester

11. Liverpool

12. Liverpool John Moores

13. Hertfordshire

14. Exeter

15. Central Lancashire

16. London, Queen Mary

17. Bradford

18. Cranfield

19. Sussex

20. Aberdeen

21. Wolverhampton

22. Central England

23. Lincolnshire & Humberside

24. Coventry De Montfort

25. City

26. Sotuh Bank

27. Bournemouth

28. Greenwich

29. Leeds Metropolitan

30. Oxford Brookes

31. Staffordshire

32. Luton

33. Sunderland


1. Sheffield

2. Southampton

3. Edinburgh

4. London, UCL

5. London, Imperial

6. Bristol

7. Surrey

8. York

9. Birmingham

10. Queens, Belfast

11. Strathclyde

12. Essex

13. Cardiff

14. Nottingham

15. Leeds


17. Heriot-Watt

18. Hull

19. Loughborough

20. London, Kings

21. Newcastle

22. London, Queen Mary

23. Liverpool

24. Reading

25. Sussex

26. Swansea

27. Aston

28. Kent

29. Ulster

30. Bath

31. Luton

32. Glagow

33. Brunel

34. Huddersfield

35. Manchester

36. Bradford

37. Kingston

38. Hertfordshire

39. Aberdeen

40. East Anglia

41. Northumbria

42. City

43. Westminster

44. Bangor

45. Central England

46. Oxford Brookes

47. Manchester Metropolitan

48. Anglia

49. Sunderland

50. Glamorgan

51. Portsmouth

52. North London

53. Teesside

54. Greenwich

55. Nottingham Trent

56. Bristol, West of England

57. South Bank

58. Lincolnshire & Humberside

59. Plymouth

60. Staffordshire

61. Middlesex

62. Leeds Metropolitan

63. Brighton

64. Salford

65. Napier

66. Derby

67. Glasgow Caledonian

68. De Montfort

69. Bournemouth

70. Liverpool John Moores

71. Coventry

72. Sheffield Hallam

73. Paisley

74. East London

75. Central Lancashire


1. Bath

2. Sheffield

3. Cardiff

4. Nottingham

5. Bristol

6. Cranfield

7. London, Impeiral

8. Heriot-Watt

9. Manchester

10. Leeds

11. Strathclyde


13. Aberdeen

14. Southampton

15. London, UCL

16. Reading

17. Queens, Belfast

18. Robert Gordon

19. Liverpool

20. Loughborough

21. Aston

22. Glasgow

23. Birmingham

24. Edinburgh

25. Brunel

26. Newcastle

27. Sussex

28. Surrey

29. Bradford

30. London, Kings

31. Sunderland

32. Hull

33. Central England

34. Swansea

35. Ulster

36. Manchester Metropolitan

37. London, Queen Mary

38. Coventry

39. Oxford Brookes

40. Glamorgan

41. Westminster

42. Greenwich

43. Central Lancashire

44. De Montfort

45. Salford

46. Plymouth

47. City

48. Portsmouth

49. Staffordshire

50. Nottigham Trent

51. Derby

52. Huddersfield

53. Sheffield Hallam

54. Liverpool John Moores

55. Middlesex

56. Northumbira

57. Brighton

58. South Bank

59. Hertfordshire

60. Teeside

61. Kingston

62. Bristol, West of England


1. London, Imperial

2. Bath

3. Nottingham


5. Loughborough

6. London, UCL

7. Bristol

8. Southampton

9. Cardiff

10. Cranfield

11. Queens, Belfast

12. Liverpool

13. Manchester

14. Birmingham

15. Kingston

16. Brunel

17. Central England

18. London, Kings

19. London, Queen Mary

20. Anglia

21. Hertfordshire

22. Sheffield Hallam

23. City

24. Sunderland

25. Bournemouth

26. Salford

27. Strathclyde

28. Lincolnshire & Humberside

29. Leeds Metropolitan

30. Portsmoth

31. Coventry

32. East London

33. South Bank

34. Plymouth

35. Liverpool John Moores

36. Nottingham Trent

37. Derby

38. Staffordshire

39. Huddersfield

40. Northumbira

41. Bristol, West of England

42. Teesside

43. Middlesex


1. Cambridge

2. Warwick

3. York

4. Glasgow

5. Oxford

6. London, Imperial

7. Edinburgh

8. Manchester

9. Southampton

10. Exeter

11. Swansea

12. Kent

13. Bristol

14. Bath

15. Lancaster

16. Heriot-Watt

17. London, UCL

18. St. Andrews

19. Durham

20. Dundee

21. Susex

22. Nottingham

23. Cardiff

24. Sheffield

25. Newcastle

26. Birmingham

27. Aberystwyth

28. Surrey

29. Leeds

30. East Anglia

31. London, Royal Holloway


33. Reading

34. Essex

35. Queens, Belfast

36. Loughborough

37. London, Queen Mary

38. Strathclyde

39. Teesside

40. Salford

41. Hull

42. Aberdeen

43. Central Lancashire

44. Glasgow Caledonian

45. Central England

46. Liverpool

47. London, Kings

48. Stirling

49. East London

50. Anglia

51. City

52. Greenwich

53. Bradford

54. Keele

55. Lincolnshire & Humberside

56. Ulster

57. Leicester

58. Aston

59. Thames Valley

60. Brunel

61. Robert Gordon

62. Plymouth

63. Brighton

64. Bristol, West of England

65. Liverpool Johan Moores

66. Sunderland

67. Manchester Metropolitan

68. Paisley

69. Hertfordshire

70. Nnttingham Trent

71. Huddersfield

72. Middlesex

73. Oxford Brookes

74. Kingston

75. Sheffield Hallam

76. De Montfort

77. Glamorgan

78. Portsmouth

79. Napier

80. Leeds Metropolitan

81. Northumbria

82. Borunemouth

83. Luton

84. Westminster

85. South Bank

86. Wolverhampton

87. Staffordshire

88. London Guildhall

89. North London

90. Derby

91. Abertay Dundee

92. Coventry

93. London, Goldsmiths


1. London

2. Cambridge


4. Sheffield

5. Loughborough

6. Bath

7. London, UCL

8. Birmingham

9. Swansea

10. Newcastle

11. Queens, Belfast

12. Nottingham

13. Edinburgh

14. Aston

15. Bradford

16. Surrey

17. Heriot-Watt

18. Leeds

19. Strathclyde

20. South Bank

21. Teesside


1. Bristol

2. London, Imperial

3. London, UCL

4. Cardiff

5. Nottingham

6. Swansea

7. Bath

8. Sheffield

9. Queens, Belfast

10. Edinburgh

11. Newcastle

12. Liverpool

13. Surrey


15. Loughborough

16. Heriot-Watt

17. Birmingham

18. Dundee

19. Greenwich

20. Southampton

21. Glasgow

22. Aberdeen

23. City

24. Aston

25. Bradford

26. Leeds Metropolitan

27. Strathclyde

28. Wolverhampton

29. Liverpool John Moores

30. Manchester

31. Plymouth

32. Leeds

33. Nottingham Trent

34. Napier

35. Ulster

36. Salford

37. Brighton

38. Glamorgan

39. Kingston

40. Abertay Dundee

41. Glasgow Caledonian

42. Portsmouth

43. Paisley

44. East London

45. Westminster

46. London, Queen Mary

47. Oxford Brookes

48. Hertfordshire

49. South Bank

50. Teesside


1. Oxford

2. Cambridge

3. London, Imperial

4. Sheffield

5. Swansea

6. Liverpool

7. Manchester


9. Birmingham

10. Nottingham

11. Loughborough

12. Bath

13. Surrey

14. Exeter

15. London, Queen Mary

16. Leeds

17. Sheffield Hallam

18. London Guildhall

19. Manchester Metropolitan

20. Brunel

21. Nottingham Trent

22. Plymouth

23. Staffordshire

24. North London

25. East London

26. Huddersfield


1. Cambridge

2. Bristol

3. Durham

4. London, UCL

5. Leeds

6. Sheffield

7. Southampton

8. Edinburgh

9. Oxford

10. Nottingham

11. East Anglia

12. Birmingham

13. Exeter

14. Manchester

15. Lancaster

16. Swansea

17. St. Andrews

18. Aberystwyth

19. Reading

20. London, Kings

21. London, Queen Mary

22. Glasgow

23. Aberdeen

24. Portsmouth

25. London, Royal Holloway

26. Coventry

27. Newcastle

28. Plymouth

29. London School of Economics

30. Hull

31. Loughborough

32. Liverpool

33. Kent

34. Ulster

35. Oxford Brookes

36. Dundee

37. Brunel

38. Central Lancashire

39. Salford

40. Manchester Metropolitan

41. Sussex

42. Leicester

43. Wolverhampton

44. Greenwich

45. Lampeter

46. Luton

47. Sunderland

48. London, SOAS

49. Queens, Belfast

50. Strathclyde

51. Northumbira

52. Liverpool John Moores

53. Middlesex

54. Nottingham Trent

55. Anglia

56. Brighton

57. Kingston

58. Staffordshire

59. Derby

60. North London

61. London Guildhall

62. Cardiff


1. Cambridge

2. Oxford

3. Newcastle

4. Edinburgh

5. Leeds

6. Liverpool

7. Reading

8. Durham

9. Manchester

10. Plymouth

11. London, Imperial

12. Glasgow

13. London, UCL

14. Royal Holloway

15. Bristol

16. Southampton

17. Birmingham

18. Cardiff

19. Queens, Belfast

20. Leicester

21. Kingston

22. St. Andrews

23. Aberdeen

24. Keele

25. Exeter

26. Sheffield

27. Derby

28. Sunderland

29. Staffordshire

30. Anglia

31. Portsmouth

32. Greenwich

33. Luton

34. Oxford Brookes


1. East Anglia

2. Reading

3. Lancaster

4. Southampton

5. Aberystwyth

6. London, Queen Mary

7. Liverpool

8. Sheffield

9. Plymouth

10. Ulster

11. Stirling

12. Hertfordshire

13. Sussex

14. Bangor

15. Huddersfield

16. Northumbria

17. Salford

18. Bristol, West of England

19. Coventry

20. Teesside

21. Westminster

22. Greenwich

23. Kingston

24. Lincolnshire & Humberside

25. North London

26. Bradofrd

27. Newcastle

28. East London

29. Manchester Metropolitan

30. Kent

31. Luton

32. Bournemouth

33. Central Lancashire

34. Anglia

35. Derby

36. Liverpool John Moores

37. Sunderland

38. Middlesex

39. Wolverhampton

40. Staffordshire

41. Oxford Brookes


1. Cambridge

2. Oxford

3. London, Imperial

4. Bristol

5. Durham

6. Edinburgh

7. Nottingham

8. Southampton

9. Leeds

10. St. Andrews

11. Strathclyde

12. Leicester

13. Manchester

14. Glasgow

15. Hull

16. Cardiff

17. Birmingham

18. Sheffield

19. York

20. Bath

21. London, UCL

22. Bangor

23. Reading

24. Aberdeen


26. Bradford

27. Exeter

28. Heriot-Watt

29. Aston

30. Sussex

31. Napier

32. Liverpool

33. Warwick

34. Keele

35. Plymouth

36. Newcastle

37. Dundee

38. East Anglia

39. Glamorgan

40. London, Kings

41. Sunderland

42. Loughborough

43. Portsmouth

44. Nottingham Trent

45. Swansea

46. Anglia

47. Surrey

48. Sheffield Hallam

49. Leeds Metropolitan

50. Salford

51. Hertfordshire

52. Queens, Belfast

53. Kingston

54. Kent

55. London, Queen Mary

56. Greenwich

57. Paisley

58. De Montfort

59. Essex

60. Brunel

61. Huddersfield

62. Abertay Dundee

63. Northumbria

64. North London

65. Bristol, West of England

66. Liverpool John Moores

67. Coventry

68. Teesside

69. Manchester Metropolitan

70. Wolverhampton

71. Staffordshire

72. Central Lancashire

73. Derby

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